Market updates on edible nuts with up-to-date price trends
Apr 25, 2017

Bulgarian walnuts: It has been a tough season; it has been a long shot for success

That was the year when supply failed demand. Farmers reached out for walnuts to other Eastern European countries to preserve market positions. With small quantities left, farmers are ready to call the end of export season. Although remaining quantities are short, prices have been kept flat because substantial quantities of high quality kernels are difficult to find!
Apr 24, 2017

Pistachios: Iran better be prepared for a rough ride

SACRAMENTO. After a disappointing 2015/16 season, the USA is back with impressive export data. The market captain Iran has to get ready to face stiff competition.
Apr 20, 2017

Hazelnuts: The market after the referendum

ORDU. Contrary to expectations, President Erdoğan did not say a word about the hazelnut market during his speech in Ordu last week, causing the prices to collapse. The Turkish minister of agriculture then came to the rescue.
Apr 11, 2017

Politics on the hazelnut market

ORDU. Market players are expecting massive surpluses on the hazelnut market for the 2017/18 season, but this does not automatically mean that the price level will fall.
Apr 5, 2017

Cashews: Disastrous crop in Vietnam

HANOI. The experts all agree. The cashew market in Vietnam is facing great challenges this year. The reason for this are disappointing crop expectations. Some farmers are even reporting complete losses.
Apr 5, 2017

Hazelnuts: Weeks of uncertainty up ahead

ORDU. In two weeks, the referendum on the new presidential system in Turkey will have already taken place. It will then be interesting to see how the exchange rate will respond and what effects the results will have on the market.
Apr 3, 2017

Almonds: Frost in Spain

TOLEDO. The almond orchards in the Spanish province of Castilla-La Mancha were struck by frost, and damages are estimated to reach up to 80%.
Mar 27, 2017

Hazelnuts: Premium goods are running short

ORDU. The Turkish hazelnut trees have withstood the night frosts in the past two weeks without serious damage, however, temperatures are supposed to drop considerably again this week.
Mar 23, 2017

Bulgarian almonds: the wind of change flew from the west, pushing down local prices

Imports of Californian almonds pushed down local prices. Meager quantities left still support higher prices of domestically grown almonds
Mar 23, 2017

Bulgarian walnuts: Quickly running out of high quality walnuts

These are times when supply strategies fail while demand is growing! Farmers fear not to lose export positions to international competitors and keep prices somewhat stable. Relief is not in sight, but at least a hike seems out of the question by the end of the month.
Mar 13, 2017

Hazelnuts: Aflatoxin alerts for Turkey

ORDU. The EU has issued alerts for deliveries from Turkey. Aflatoxin poses a problem.
Mar 10, 2017

Hazelnuts: Alarming rumours

ORDU. Everything could be well in the Turkish hazelnut market. Supplies are sufficient and the buyers simply love the currently low prices. Rumours over quality issues are, however, unsettling the market.
Mar 6, 2017

Hazelnuts: Buyers’ paradise

ORDU. Promising crop conditions and abundant carry-over supplies have rendered Turkey a paradise for speculators.
Mar 3, 2017

Hazelnuts: Problems in Turkey

ORDU. Turkey has a problem. The right of succession stipulating that orchards can solely be passed on to the next generation have caused many orchards to be divided into smaller lots.
Feb 27, 2017

Hazelnuts: Game over for speculators

ORDU. Speculators have failed to push up prices. Economists are highly concerned with President Erdogan’s policy. And to make matters worse, Turkey is faced with increasing competition from abroad. Although uncertainty is ruling the market, some traders are confident that there will be valuable opportunities this year.
Feb 24, 2017

Bulgarian almonds: high prices of locally grown almonds survive against market forces

Local almond farmers find market forces to no avail. Prices are as high as ever and no relief is forecasted since local remaining quantities are low. The Californian almond is not considered a threat, at all.
Feb 21, 2017

Hazelnuts: Shock waves in Turkey

ORDU. Erdoğan, the referendum and continual political unrest are sending shock waves through Turkey. The hazelnut market is also feeling the impact.
Feb 21, 2017

Bulgarian walnuts: short raw materials pushed prices higher

Foreign buyers expected a further relief on the market, but local exporters seem not to fear lack of buyers. The latter keep the course firm: Prices are expected to increase!
Feb 20, 2017

Peanuts: Suppliers are putting off European buyers

BUENOS AIRES. Quality concerns are proving a disaster for sales in the European market. And the top producers are certainly struggling. To make matters worse it seems as if disaster is about to strike while demand in Germany is on the rise.
Feb 15, 2017

Germany’s growing appetite for US almonds

SACRAMENTO. President Trump may not be Merkel’s best friend. But the Germans are certainly hungry for US almonds. Other competitors hardly stand a chance and need to be very creative. They are facing a tough season.
Feb 14, 2017

Hazelnuts: Come late, pay more

ORDU. New demands are few and far between on the Turkish market for hazelnuts lately, but contract sales were more plentiful last week. Exports on the other hand have increased in the time since the beginning of the season to about 120,000 mt.
Feb 13, 2017

Cashews: Price hikes in 2017

HANOI/NEW DELHI. The market witnessed considerable price hikes last year. Some experts claim that 2017 will be equally exciting.
Feb 7, 2017

Bulgarian hazelnuts: a weak year, small quantities

The future could hold better prospects
Feb 7, 2017

Bulgarian walnuts: shortage of supplies

Take a deep breath: the price could rise fast
Feb 1, 2017

IRAN: Pistachio production review and expectations for 2017

After 3 years of having reduce in pistachio production in Iran, Market expectations for 2017 increased.
Jan 31, 2017

Hazelnuts: Will the market collapse?

ORDU. The market for hazelnuts fulfilled expectations, even if the circumstances which led to this outcome were not foreseeable.
Jan 24, 2017

Hazelnuts: Tempting offers

ORDU. Buyers rejoice, sellers cut losses: so far this is the best description of the Turkish hazelnut market 2017.
Jan 20, 2017

Hazelnuts: This is what producers have been waiting for

ORDU. Exports of Turkish hazelnuts this season are comparable to those of 2015, although prices have gone down by 50% since.
Jan 18, 2017

Peanuts: Disappointing crop in U.S.

ROTTERDAM. It is still quiet on the market for peanuts but it is slowly beginning to stir. Many buyers have been waiting for better prices. In vain?
Jan 12, 2017

Hazlenuts: If not today when then?

ORDU. The Turkish market for hazelnuts has given European buyers a belated Christmas present.
Jan 10, 2017

Hazelnuts: Farmers betting on fear of frost

ORDU. The hazelnut trade in Turkey is counting on risk awareness of buyers and hoping they will buy eagerly in the weeks to come.
Dec 23, 2016

Walnuts: Incredible change in direction

SOFIA. The walnut market in Bulgaria has witnessed an incredible change in direction this week since strategies have evidently failed.
Dec 23, 2016

Hazelnuts: Is Bulgaria moving in the right direction?

SOFIA. It seems as if the hazelnut market in Bulgaria is currently living in its own world, which is unable to keep up with Turkey or Azerbaijan for instance. While Turkish producers of hazelnuts export thousands of tons every year, Bulgaria lacks sufficient quantities. But the situation may be about to change.
Import / Export Statistics
Dec 19, 2016

Almonds: Hard facts and figures

You will receive all the relevant data concerning the import and exports of almonds in Germany and the EU as an Excel file. Including background information, global almond production, the import and export figures and prices.
Import / Export Statistics
Dec 15, 2016

Hazelnuts: Hard facts and figures

The most relevant data relating to hazeluts is provided in a clearly structured Excel file. Including: Background information, global hazelnut production, the import and export figures for Germany and the EU. All data is presented as tables and as charts. This package includes also an overview of the past 10 years of hazelnut prices.
Dec 15, 2016

Hazelnuts: Farmers want to cut out the traders

ORDU. Turkish hazelnut farmers still have problems accepting comparatively low prices in spite of a small crop.
Dec 2, 2016

Hazelnut kernels: Farmers showing self-destructive traits

ORDU. If exports continue at this rate, buyers will not have to worry about not having enough hazelnuts available this season.
Nov 28, 2016

Hazelnuts: Processors are covering themselves

ORDU. It is only a few weeks now until the change of the year and a decision concerning intervention purchases is nowhere in sight, so far.
Nov 25, 2016

Hazelnuts: Are the farmers in the right, after all?

ORDU. Quite a bit has happened on the Turkish hazelnut market since the beginning of the week. Must buyers hurry now?
Nov 22, 2016

Walnuts: USA on the road to success

SACRAMENTO. US exporters can mark a successful start of the season in their calendars for this year.
Nov 21, 2016

Hazelnut kernels: Rumours are bringing the market to a boil

ORDU. The Turkish hazelnut market was once again really stirred up.
Nov 21, 2016

Hazelnuts: Traders are counting the days

ORDU. Hazelnut traders are pinning their hopes on the new year, when contracts are entered for the second part of the season.
Nov 16, 2016

Hazelnuts: Exporters threatened by trigger-happy farmers?

ORDU. According to reports, there are dramatic scenes taking place on the Turkish hazelnut market.
Nov 16, 2016

Almonds: Illegal price fixing in Bulgaria

SOFIA. The almond market in Bulgaria is confronted with serious problems. Market participants are despairing.
Nov 16, 2016

Hazelnuts: Gloomy prospects

SOFIA. Acreage has continuously increased in Bulgaria over the last few years. In 2014 the market for instance witnessed an increase of more than 16 %. Nevertheless, the marketable crop still falls short of the rate at which acreage is growing.
Nov 15, 2016

Walnuts: A rubbish crop

SOFIA. The unfavourable weather in Bulgaria has caused considerable crop damages. Now the growers have to sort through the mess.
Nov 14, 2016

Almonds: Will prices continue to fall?

SACRAMENTO. A successful season lies ahead of Californian almond suppliers. How do buyers profit from it?
Nov 7, 2016

Organic hazelnuts: Devastating prospects in Bulgaria

SOFIA. This year’s weather has proven to be a downright disaster for the hazelnut crop in Bulgaria.