Hazelnuts: "What people saying?"

June 14, 2018 at 1:50 PM , AZERSTAR LLC Hazelnut Ind. Co.
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Nowadays it is still unknown what planning to do TMO (Turkish Grain Board) next season. Do they planning to set minimum price? If yes, at what price? How market will react, if the ruling party in Turkey will change on 24.06.2018 ? And how if not? We don't want to talk about politics, but unfortunately circumstances makes it mandatory for objective analysis of market.

 World hazelnut market is very wild at all. Too much factors, that can effect on price, too much saying and even rumours, that recall a kind of Brazilian TV-Series full of intrigues and games around the world.

We decided to start publishing our reports under the title, “What people saying?” to inform you concerning actual news in market and avoid actual rumours and gossips with detailed explanations.


Nowadays activity in Turkish market is very low due Ramadan and low demand from European buyers. Processors as well as hazelnut farmers and all world hazelnut market look forward to know, do TMO (Turkish Grain Board) plan to buy hazelnuts in new season? If yes, at what price? To remind you TMO bought around 140 000 tons of hazelnuts in current season and now selling stock depends on quality at the price between 11.75 – 12.75 TRY/kg for June and 12.25 – 13.25 TRY/kg for July. Currently 81 400 tons of hazelnuts in shell is still available for purchase.

 For your information TMO planning to finish sales on 20.07.2018 and unfortunately no information when new price will announced, but it is still expected, that just before election TMO will make such surprise for farmers (Links and Files from TMO's official website are attached).

 “All eyes on 24.06.2018”

 One of the most important events in following days will be the presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey. As wrote the most analytics, this elections could be full of surprises, like changing of governing party. But what regarding hazelnut market?

 Considering the fact, that opposition parties already promised in Black Sea region the price at 15 TRY/kg for hazelnut in-shell (TMO buying price) and big changes, it seems that price should going up, but there isn't any guarantee that Turkish Lira will stable next months as well. As history showed, government changing always negatively influenced on Turkish economy in short terms. To remind you governing party is at the head of Turkey many years and brought a lot of investment to country. Probably some of these investors will leave the Turkey and will cause of devaluation or new changes may bring new investments to the country with very strong and stable national currency.


As we mentioned in previous report, activity in local market is very high nowadays. Even if it is still expected, that TMO going to announce minimal price for new crop, farmers in Azerbaijan trying to sell all stocks of hazelnuts before religious holidays and new harvest (Ramadan 15.06.2018).

 Meantime we observe big interest from some Russian buyers regarding current crop due possible high prices in new season. By the way, some buyers prefer especially old crop because it roasting and blanching better than fresh one.

 Currently Azerbaijan offering following:

11/13 mm Natural Hazelnut Kernels at the price 4,80 €/kg,
13/15 mm Natural Hazelnut Kernels at the price 4,95 €/kg.

Quality: TS 3075, CLASS 1
Delivery Terms: DAP Europe, Incoterms 2010

Attached Files

File icon
TMO prices
File icon
tmo stock

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