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Alerts and Regulations
Mar 1, 2025

Prague Karlsbourse 2025 – The Must-Attend Industry Event

STUTTGART/PRAGUE. The Prague Karlsbourse is much more than a traditional trading exchange – it is the annual meeting point for key players in the European agricultural and food industry.
Jan 10, 2025

Peanuts: “Businesses should focus on ensuring quality control”

SEEHEIM/NEW DELHI. The year 2024 had a lot to offer: new regulations and record prices were the order of the day in many markets, and climatic extremes were noticeable in many areas. Our business partner from the Indian peanut market explains how market players have been facing these hurdles and what they expect for the coming year 2025. Read the full interview here.
Jan 8, 2025

Blue poppy seeds: “Czech farmers should focus on improving the landscape”

SEEHEIM/CHRUDIM. The year 2024 had a lot to offer: new regulations and record prices were the order of the day in many markets, and climatic extremes were noticeable in many areas. Kristián Vronka, managing director of CROPFUL s.r.o., explains how market players in the Czech blue poppy seed markets have been facing these hurdles and what they expect for the coming year 2025. Read the full interview here.
Jan 6, 2025

Flaxseed: “The main challenge is to keep the market growing”

SEEHEIM/WARSAW. The year 2024 had a lot to offer: new regulations and record prices were the order of the day in many markets, and climatic extremes were noticeable in many areas. Our business partner from the flaxseed market explains how market players have been facing these hurdles and what they expect for the coming year 2025. Read the full interview here.
Jan 2, 2025

Dried fruit and blue poppy seeds: “Turkey’s economical situation is very sensitive”

SEEHEIM/IZMIR. The year 2024 had a lot to offer: new regulations and record prices were the order of the day in many markets, and climatic extremes were noticeable in many areas. Our business partner from the Turkish blue poppy seed and dried fruit market explains how market players have been facing these hurdles and what they expect for the coming year 2025. Read the full interview here.
Dec 31, 2024

2024 – A review from Jakob Megow

SEEHEIM. This year is coming to an end. Time to take stock and consider what made this year special. Managing Director Jakob Megow reflects on a year full of ups and downs, challenges and successes, marked by developments that have driven the company forward.
Dec 30, 2024

Sunflower seeds: “Farmers will hold back their goods”

SEEHEIM/SOFIA. The year 2024 had a lot to offer: new regulations and record prices were the order of the day in many markets, and climatic extremes were noticeable in many areas. Our business partner from the sunflower seed market explains how market players have been facing these hurdles and what they expect for the coming year 2025. Read the full interview here.
Dec 27, 2024

Spices and Sesame seeds: “The markets remain vulnerable”

SEEHEIM/NEW DELHI. The year 2024 had a lot to offer: new regulations and record prices were the order of the day in many markets, and climatic extremes were noticeable in many areas. Our business partner from the Indian spice and sesame seed market explains how market players have been facing these hurdles and what they expect for the coming year 2025. Read the full interview here.
Dec 24, 2024

Mundus Agri wishes you a peaceful holiday season!

The Mundus Agri team wishes all readers a calm and relaxing holiday season – we are looking forward to continue our cooperation with you in the coming year.
Dec 23, 2024

Almonds: “We need to understand that prices have to increase”

SEEHEIM/WARSAW. The year 2024 had a lot to offer: new regulations and record prices were the order of the day in many markets, and climatic extremes were noticeable in many areas. Our business partner from the almond market explains how market players have been facing these hurdles and what they expect for the coming year 2025. Read the full interview here.
Dried Fruit
Sep 18, 2024

WorldFood Istanbul: mixed impressions

ISTANBUL. Held on 3-6 September 2024 the 32nd WorldFood Istanbul aimed to strengthen Turkey’s position as a leading and innovative food producer. While discussions covered a wide range of topics from export opportunities, over health and the environment to artificial intelligence, visitor numbers were a bit disappointing. Industry representatives also highlighted the fact that the price fluctuations in Turkey are complicating negotiations between suppliers and buyers this season.
Mar 8, 2024

International Women’s Day: Never give up!

SEEHEIM/ANKARA. Even in 2024, women don't always have it easy in male-dominated industries... right? We spoke to a female dried fruit trader based in Turkey about how she has fared in the almost twenty years she has been working in the industry and what it takes to stand up to the competition.
Company News
Feb 15, 2024

Ferrero: sweet rise in turnover despite difficult year

LUXEMBOURG. By issuing approval on 14 February chocolate and confectionary giant Ferrero wrapped up the 2022/2023 financial year particularly sweet. Turnover increased by 21% and the global workforce rose by 14%. While new Nutella products were rolled out in the USA, consumers in Europe had a taste for Ferrero-themed ice cream.
Company News
Jan 12, 2024

Sorry, not today…

Dear readers, due to some cases of illness, the publication date of the first AUDITOR issue 2024 has been postponed to 19/01/2024. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Jan 8, 2024

Blue poppy seeds: “We can hope for an increase in demand”

SEEHEIM/CHRUDIM. 2023 was a year full of hurdles, but also new opportunities. Kristián Vronka from the Czech blue poppy seed trading company Cropful explains how market players faced challenges such as the wars in Ukraine and Israel, global inflation and climate change and what they expect from the 2024/2025 season. Read the full interview here.
Jan 5, 2024

Sesame seeds and Spices: „Every nation is interdependent on the other”

SEEHEIM/GUJARAT. 2023 was a year full of hurdles, but also new opportunities. Our business partner from the Indian sesame seed and spice market explains how market players faced challenges such as the wars in Ukraine and Israel, global inflation and climate change and what they expect from the 2024/2025 season. Read the full interview here.
Jan 3, 2024

Hazelnuts: “Concerns over climate change are higher than ever”

SEEHEIM/ORDU. 2023 was a year full of hurdles, but also new opportunities. Our business partner from the Turkish hazelnut market explains how market players faced challenges such as the wars in Ukraine and Israel, global inflation and climate change and what they expect from the 2024/2025 season. Read the full interview here.
Jan 1, 2024

Pistachios and Saffron: “Domestic consumption has decreased by more than 50%”

SEEHEIM/TEHRAN. 2023 was a year full of hurdles, but also new opportunities. Our business partner from the Iranian pistachio and saffron market explains how market players faced challenges such as the wars in Ukraine and Israel, global inflation and climate change and what they expect from the 2024/2025 season. Read the full interview here.
Dec 29, 2023

Dried fruit: “Cheaper alternatives will not be easy to find”

SEEHEIM/IZMIR. 2023 was a year full of hurdles, but also new opportunities. Our business partner from the Turkish dried fruit market explains how market players faced challenges such as the wars in Ukraine and Israel, global inflation and climate change and what they expect from the 2024/2025 season. Read the full interview here.
Dec 27, 2023

Peanuts: “Consumers prioritize health over price”

SEEHEIM/NEW DELHI. 2023 was a year full of hurdles, but also new opportunities. Our business partner from the Indian peanut market explains how market players faced challenges such as the wars in Ukraine and Israel, global inflation and climate change and what they expect from the 2024/2025 season. Read the full interview here.
Dec 25, 2023

Blue poppy seeds: “Business with Russia and Israel almost stopped”

SEEHEIM/IZMIR. 2023 was a year full of hurdles, but also new opportunities. Olcay Soyuçaylı from the Turkish trading company Cemre Tarim explains how market players of the Turkish blue poppy seed market faced challenges such as the wars in Ukraine and Israel, global inflation and climate change and what they expect from the 2024/2025 season. Read the full interview here.
Dec 22, 2023

2023 – Managing Director Jakob Megow reflects on the year

SEEHEIM. In taking stock of 2023 we as the Mundus Agri team thank our valued members, business partners and readers for their continued support. Managing Director Jakob Megow reflects on a year of ups and downs, challenges and successes and developments that have advanced the company’s efforts.
Dec 22, 2023

Red Sea: crisis sparks suspicious price hikes

AMSTERDAM/MANILA. With Houthi rebel attacks on vessels effectively blocking the Suez Canal cargo is delayed and freight rates have risen suspiciously fast. While Danone has denied reports of short-term supply chain delays, agri-food suppliers dealing in Asia and east Africa have issued stark warnings to their customers.
Dec 1, 2023

Ginger: processing really matters this year

SHANDONG. While rain reduced last year’s ginger crop in China and drove up prices, the size and quality of this year’s production appears to be much better. Welcome as this news is buyers are, however, urged to caution. In an interview with Mundus Agri Maggie Peng from China-based Onedayone Group highlights what buyers should pay attention to this year.
More News
Feb 10, 2023

Earthquake: everyone can help

SEEHEIM-JUGENHEIM. The earthquake in Turkey and Syria has devastated our team. Action is required and we would like to introduce two small organisation that provide direct local support in Turkey.
Company News
Aug 26, 2022

USDA: faulty agricultural data proves embarrassing for traders

CHICAGO. As Reuters reports the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) had to retract faulty weekly commodities export data on Thursday morning that generated a high degree of uncertainty in the futures market and forced some analysts to have to issue embarrassing apologies to their clients.
More News
May 18, 2022

Wheat: exports to hit unlikely record

FRANKFURT/WASHINGTON DC. While Ukraine won the Eurovision song contest on Saturday, the G7 leaders see little cause to celebrate as they warn that Russia is deliberately giving rise to a global food and energy crisis that may cause 50 million people to be confronted with hunger. They also condemn India’s sudden export ban for wheat. Yet, the 2022/2023 projections for wheat in the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) recently issued World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) are rather on the optimistic side of things.
More News
May 10, 2022

Ukraine warns of global food crisis

KYIV. Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelenskiy has called on the international community to take immediate action to force Russia to stop blocking several ports in his country to enable wheat to be shipped as a global food crisis is looming. The FAO estimates that 25 million mt of grain are stuck in Ukraine.
More News
May 6, 2022

Agri-food market on edge as EU sanctions spell trouble

FRANKFURT. While Russia is disgracing itself by selling stolen grain from Ukraine and conducting a systematic theft of agricultural machinery, the European Commission has finally issued a proposal to phase out any involvement in the Russian oil industry. Buyers and suppliers in the agri-food and feed industry are, however, becoming increasingly nervous over skyrocketing production and transport costs and possible new sanctions.
May 2, 2022

Grain: Ukraine accuses Russia of large-scale theft

KYIV. Taras Vysotskiy, Ukraine’s Deputy Minister of Agriculture, accused invading Russian forces of stealing grain in areas they have occupied on 30 April. Vysotskiy stated on Ukrainian TV that “there are confirmed facts that several hundred thousand tons of grain in total were taken out of the Zaporizhzhya, Kherson, Donetsk, and Luhansk regions.” Farmers are set to defy the Russian invaders.
More News
Apr 29, 2022

In crisis mode: food suppliers refuse to panic

FRANKFURT. As if a war is not enough, several countries are currently determined to act as bad boys and further exasperate the already impossible supply and demand situation in the food and feed commodity market. Russia’s decision to suspend gas exports to Poland and Bulgaria, coupled with Indonesia’s rather sudden ban on all palm oil exports and China’s bizarre zero-Covid strategy are directly impacting all trading activities relating to a whole range of commodities. Good news, however, is that producers in Ukraine are seeking creative ways to keep supplies up and running.
Alerts and Regulations
Apr 11, 2022

End of the journey to the West for Russian carriers

BRUSSELS. As part of the fifth major sanctions package against Russia, carriers from Russia and Belarus have been banned from crossing EU borders since Saturday. This is intended to hit the Russian economy even harder. However, there are some exceptions for the time being.
More News
Mar 4, 2022

Iran: highly explosive situation

FRANKFURT. Suppliers in Iran are closely following any progress made in the talks over a possible revival of the nuclear deal as this directly impacts the prices for basically all commodities including nuts, dried fruit and spices, the country exports. The talks are still underway in Vienna, despite the war in Ukraine.
More News
Feb 25, 2022

Ukraine crisis: fear and disruptions in agri-food trade

FRANKFURT. As Russia has shocked the world by invading Ukraine the world’s geopolitical tensions have taken on a new and much more immediate dimension for the European agri-food market. Traders not only report widespread disruptions for oil and sunflower seeds, nuts and dried fruit but are also concerned for the safety of their partners in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.
Company News
Dec 24, 2021

Mundus Agri says Thank You

SEEHEIM. The Mundus Agri team wishes you a relaxing holiday season and a good start to the new year. For this reason, CEO Jakob Megow would like to thank you personally.
More News
Nov 11, 2021

Escalating EU-Belarus conflict disrupts transportation

KUŹNICA. With around 3,000-4,000 migrants,mainly from the Middle East, stranded at the border between Poland and Belarus long traffic jams have formed at the border crossings in Poland and transportation to the East is largely disrupted. Issue is the EU sanctions against Belarus, which have prompted President Alexander Lukashenko to lure migrants to Minsk. Their hope is to cross the border into Poland and to thereby enter the EU.
Jul 8, 2021

Südzucker: outlook for the current 2021/22 fiscal year confirmed

MANNHEIM. While Südzucker AG's group revenues increased slightly in the first quarter of the current 2021/22 financial year, group operating profit declined for the time being. For the first time, the quarterly report covers five segments instead of the previous four.
Warning messages
Feb 4, 2021

Germany: confectionary industry hits out at EU over Brexit chaos

BERLIN. The Association of the German Confectionery Industry (BDSI) blames EU hypocrisy for unnecessary problems in shipping to the UK. Shipments have become next to impossible with complex regulations applying ever since Brexit has been completed. Nearly 10% of Germany's confectionery exports are destined for the UK and the coronavirus is not exactly helping matters.
Nov 26, 2020

Vanilla: Covid-19 acts as a speed bump

QUEBEC. In the recently issued vanilla market update for November leading supplier Aust & Hachmann has dismissed the onset of the pandemic on the market as a speed bump. After years of extortionate prices, the market continues to change. Developments in Madagascar are, however, raising concerns.
Press Releases
Nov 24, 2020

Food retailers under fire for response to unfair trading practices

BERLIN. Food retailers Aldi, Lidl and co. have come under fire for voicing their opposition to Chancellor Angela Merkel over Germany’s newly proposed legislation on unfair trading practices. In an open letter addressed to the four largest food retail groups that hold an 85% market share the German Farmers’ Association vividly highlights and condemns the markets hypocritical stance.
Current affairs
Nov 20, 2020

Expert opinion: Trump's farewell greetings jeopardise Iran’s trading activities

WIESBADEN. In his final days in office U.S. President Donald Trump has added fuel to fire in the conflict with Iran. His actions also have an adverse impact on trading activities in the food commodity market. In an Interview the AUDITOR Iran expert Dawood Nazirizadeh highlights what exporters, traders and buyers should expect over the next few months and how Iran views Trump's maximum pressure strategy.
Press Releases
Nov 5, 2020

Burger King: hypocritical support for McDonald’s

LONDON. Incredible but true. Burger King UK posted un unusual ad on social media accounts on Wednesday entitled “ORDER FROM MCDONALD’s” as tens of thousands of jobs are at stake in the UK hospitality sector. This advertising gag, however, not only urges support for other fast-food rivals, but also digs in.
Oct 15, 2020

Credit insurance companies: small and medium-sized businesses rated as ticking time bombs

SEEHEIM-JUGENHEIM. Market players are voicing their frustration as credit insurance companies are cutting credit limits in many cases and are partly refusing to provide insurance. In an interview with the Auditor insurance companies, by contrast, state that assessment criteria have remained unchanged since the pandemic struck.
Surveys and Studies
Oct 12, 2020

Germany: bakeries lose EUR 1 billion due to coronavirus crisis

BERLIN. A survey recently conducted by the local craft bakers associations and by the German Bakery Trade Association shows that sales have slumped by 13% during the coronavirus crisis. Bakery stores with cafés are particularly hard-hit. Issue is that fewer customers visit the shops.
Surveys and Studies
Sep 16, 2020

Survey: hygiene measures in light of the coronavirus

SEEHEIM. The AUDITOR has conducted an anonymous survey on hygiene among companies in different industrial sectors. Excerpts of the answers provided are illustrated in an abstract as a means of displaying the situation in Germany.
EU regulations
Sep 3, 2020

Flaxseed: EU discusses controversial limit for hydrocyanic acid

FRANKFURT/BRUSSELS. Talks over the possible introduction of a hydrocyanic acid limit for flaxseed for human consumption are currently underway throughout Europe. The Auditor has contacted the European Commission and a leading flaxseed trader in Belgium to find out more.
Surveys and Studies
Aug 25, 2020

Germany: economy on the road to recovery

FRANKFURT/MUNICH. The mood among business leaders in Germany is still on the upswing as the ifo Business Climate index rose to 92.6 points in August, after 90.4 points in July. Moods, however, differ with many companies still struggling.
Aug 24, 2020

Expert opinion: current events and their impact on global trade

SEEHEIM/SACRAMENTO. In collaboration with the AUDITOR team, US exporter Erik Anderson, CEO of Anderson Exports, reflected on how current events are affecting global trade and the economy. Racism, the problem of nuclear weapons and financial injustice are being discussed.