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Nov 18, 2016

Flaxseed: The worst is over

WARSAW. Flaxseed buyers will have to say goodbye to the record low prices of the last weeks.
Nov 18, 2016

Sunflower seed kernels: Is China back in the game?

SOFIA. Although prices for Eastern European sunflower seed kernels are at a level that is said to be acceptable for both traders and buyers, the suppliers are complaining.
Nov 17, 2016

Flaxseed: Moisture posing a threat

OTTOWA. The weather in October upset flaxseed farmers’ plans, especially since they were in the midst of the harvest period.
Dried Fruit
Nov 17, 2016

Apricots: Russia likes little fruits

MALATYA. The current price development on the Turkish apricot market should be only temporary, traders report.
Nov 17, 2016

India: Desperate rescue attempts

GUJARAT. The cash crunch has caused considerable chaos in India with trade almost coming to a complete standstill. Now the government is desperately attempting to remedy the situation.
Dried Fruit
Nov 17, 2016

Figs: When to buy?

AYDIN. Turkish fig suppliers do their main business before the Christmas holidays, and that is still more than four weeks away.
Nov 17, 2016

Cocoa: Appearances are deceiving

LONDON. After a slow start into the new season, farmers have now increased the speed with which they deliver cocoa beans.
Nov 16, 2016

Hazelnuts: Exporters threatened by trigger-happy farmers?

ORDU. According to reports, there are dramatic scenes taking place on the Turkish hazelnut market.
Nov 16, 2016

Blue poppy seeds: Is panic about to strike?

PRAGUE. They have held out for a long time, but Czech blue poppy seed farmers are slowly getting restless.
Nov 16, 2016

Wheat: Inexplicable prices give rise to speculation

SOFIA. The current price development in Bulgaria has surprised market participants and given rise to speculations. Are illegal activities taking place?
Nov 16, 2016

Almonds: Illegal price fixing in Bulgaria

SOFIA. The almond market in Bulgaria is confronted with serious problems. Market participants are despairing.
Nov 16, 2016

Hazelnuts: Gloomy prospects

SOFIA. Acreage has continuously increased in Bulgaria over the last few years. In 2014 the market for instance witnessed an increase of more than 16 %. Nevertheless, the marketable crop still falls short of the rate at which acreage is growing.
Fruit and Vegetables
Nov 15, 2016

Onions: Russia is tapping into raw onions

Onions: Russia is tapping into raw onions
Nov 15, 2016

Walnuts: A rubbish crop

SOFIA. The unfavourable weather in Bulgaria has caused considerable crop damages. Now the growers have to sort through the mess.
Nov 15, 2016

Rapeseed: The crop is literary sold out

SOFIA. Production in Bulgaria has increased significantly. It seems as if demand could hardly be higher. But why is this the case?
Nov 15, 2016

Barley: Reluctant farmers

SOFIA. The barley market in Bulgaria is facing a crisis as the crop is becoming increasingly unpopular.
Nov 15, 2016

Pumpkin seed kernels: Risk-taking willingness of exporters

DALIAN. Chinese buyers are still delighted at the good demand for pumpkin seed kernels, which left a lot to be desired in the last months.
Nov 15, 2016

Sesame seeds: India plunges into chaos

NEW DELHI. The conversion of notes in India has caused a greater chaos on the market than previously expected.
Nov 14, 2016

Corn: Too good to be true?

SOFIA. Corn from Bulgaria is becoming increasingly popular, especially in Europe. But the farmers are starting to voice concerns. Will Bulgaria be able to continue its success story or is disaster about to strike?
Nov 14, 2016

Wheat: No need to worry?

SOFIA. Sowing in Bulgaria has so far failed to keep up with last year. But market participants are nevertheless confident. Is there a need to worry?
Nov 14, 2016

Almonds: Will prices continue to fall?

SACRAMENTO. A successful season lies ahead of Californian almond suppliers. How do buyers profit from it?
Nov 11, 2016

Flaxseed: Haloxyfop contamination is a risk

WARSAW. The onset of winter is not only a problem in Canada, but also in Kazakhstan, where farmers are faced with enormous problems.
Nov 11, 2016

Sesame seeds: Must India fear?

NEW DELHI. For Indian sesame seed suppliers, the further development of the season could not possibly be more uncertain.
Nov 11, 2016

India: A country governed by chaos?

GUJARAT. Trade has almost come to a complete standstill and concerns are being voiced that there will be a run on the banks, which will lead to ultimate chaos.
Dried Fruit
Nov 10, 2016

Apricots: Not even a month left

MALATYA. The farmers’ wish for support from the government is the common thread running through the entire dried fruit market.
Dried Fruit
Nov 10, 2016

Figs: Deadline in sight

AYDIN. Only a few more weeks until Christmas. That leaves Turkish fig suppliers with only little room for exports anymore.
Nov 10, 2016

Barley: Stunning figures in Bulgaria

SOFIA. Barley may not be as widely spread as wheat throughout Bulgaria. And its arable land does not increase at the same rate as other crops. But the market is in for a surprise this year.
Dried Fruit
Nov 10, 2016

Sultanas: Buyers will not be deterred

MANISA. Turkish sultana producers had been betting on selling larger amounts of sultanas to the government, who would then distribute them to schools.
Dried Fruit
Nov 9, 2016

Coconuts: Typhoons are causing a stir

MANILA. From November until the beginning of December, the typhoon damage in the Philippines could turn out to be especially grave.
Nov 9, 2016

Blue poppy seeds: Is the farmer’s will broken?

PRAGUE. Because they can sell other raw materials in the meantime, farmers are under no pressure. Meanwhile, what are the blue poppy seed traders going to do?
Nov 8, 2016

Pumpkin seed kernels: Exporters show courage

DALIAN. Although the offers of various pumpkin seed kernel traders differ considerably, all concerned are of one mind, as to where the journey will go.
Nov 8, 2016

Sunflower seed kernels: Shipments speak a clear language

SOFIA. Above average temperatures and occasional rainfall are having farmers look hopefully towards the winter harvest. Although sunflower seed kernel traders are not really sure about how to deal with their situation.
Nov 7, 2016

Organic hazelnuts: Devastating prospects in Bulgaria

SOFIA. This year’s weather has proven to be a downright disaster for the hazelnut crop in Bulgaria.
Nov 7, 2016

Hazelnuts: Produce out of old crop distorts quality

ORDU. Farmers are increasingly delivering hazelnuts from the crop 2015 to dealers, which is tainting the reputation of the crop 2016.
Nov 7, 2016

Almonds: Gold-rush atmosphere in Bulgaria

SOFIA. Bulgaria may not rank among the world’s top producers, but the local almonds prices are surprisingly high.
Nov 4, 2016

Sunflower seed kernels: Is running after bargains worth it?

SOFIA. After last week’s scare, it is time to breathe easy because the bargain hunters are about. Is bargain hunting really worth it, or are traders only advertising on their own behalf?
Nov 4, 2016

Sesame seeds: The competition does not rest

ASUNCIÓN/NEW DELHI. While the mood in India after the Diwali festivities for the largest part resembles something like a hangover, traders in South America are breaking out the champagne.
Nov 4, 2016

Pumpkin seed kernels: Panic sales lead to short-term price declines

DALIAN. In a desperate attempt to get rid of their merchandise, some traders have sold at unbelievably low prices. Even these smallest of quantities sufficed to throw the market into a panic.
Nov 4, 2016

Walnuts: Disaster has struck

SOFIA. The harvest this year has turned out to be a disaster, somewhat similar to that of 2014, with a few remarkable exceptions here and there. But the situation has got even worse now.
Nov 2, 2016

Flaxseed: In a state of frost

WARSAW. Ice and snow brought the flaxseed harvest in Canada to a halt.
Dried Fruit
Nov 2, 2016

Sultanas: A threat of total disaster?

MANISA. Actually, the chlorpyrifos issue should long be off the table by now. Still, the traders in Turkey are very concerned.
Nov 1, 2016

Hazelnut kernels: A dramatic race to catch up

ORDU. Where exports are concerned, Turkey has had a very poor start into the season. It is even rumoured by some market participants that it is the worst in the last 25 years.
Nov 1, 2016

Organic hazelnuts: Neglect and abuse

SOFIA. Neglect and abuse are posing enormous problems in Bulgaria. Although market participants may be disappointed, there still are high expectations.
Nov 1, 2016

Chili: China causing a stir

HONGKONG. Elation and confidence are determining the current market situation for chili. There are, however, serious concerns.
Nov 1, 2016

Garlic: Incredibly hot market position

HONGKONG. Traders are currently asking absolutely outrageous prices. How shamelessly high will they become yet?
Oct 31, 2016

Coriander: Are we facing a price erosion?

RAJASTHAN. Optimism and confidence are determining the market development in India currently. In light of the impending crop 2017, Indian traders see their big break.
Oct 31, 2016

Almonds: Import and export, Germany and EU

FRANKFURT. For more than 4,000 years, almond trees have been cultivated by humans. While its origin is probably in South Western Asia, the main cultivation areas are in the US state of California, the Mediterranean region, Pakistan, and in Iran.
Dried Fruit
Oct 28, 2016

Apricots: Who will last longer?

MALATYA. Many had hoped to gain important impulses from the SIAL. Now, disappointment spreads, instead.