Pistachios: Astronomical taxes
August 1, 2017 at 12:13 PM ,
US excludes competitor
High import duties and embargoes have proven efficient means for the US to sanction and prevent imports from Iran. The US for instance introduced an anti-dumping duty of 241% in 1986, which was followed by an embargo in 1987. This embargo remained effective until 2015 and was only temporarily lifted in 2000. Although the US started to import from Iran in January 2016 the duties are still astronomical.
Due to the bumper crop exports from the US tripled in 2016/17 – from 53,393 mt to 167,926 mt. Shipments to Western Europe have increased by as much as 75% this season so far. Germany is the main buyer and imports have risen by almost 10,000 mt to 15,245 mt.
Records are out of reach
The International Dried Fruits and Nuts Council (INC) estimates this year’s global production at 613,235 mt, which as a 16.6% year-on-year decline. US production is even expected to drop to 236,735 mt (-42.2%). Even if the carry-stocks should reach the currently estimated volume of 150,000 mt supplies will still be lower than last season.
Pistachio production in mt |
country |
2017/18* |
2016/17 |
Iran |
250,000 |
153,000 |
236,735 |
409,429 |
Turkey |
90,000 |
135,000 |
Syria |
17,000 |
20,000 |
Afghanistan |
10,000 |
5,000 |
Greece |
4,500 |
4,000 |
Italy |
2,250 |
2,500 |
Australia |
1,550 |
2,000 |
China |
1,200 |
4,200 |
total |
613,235 |
735,129 |
INC *estimate |