Sugar: Government may allow Duty Free Imports
July 28, 2017 at 2:07 PM ,
Rainbow Exports

The government has started preparations for the sweetness of sugar in the festival season to be bitter.
Government will allow Duty free Import for Sugar “upon to keep sugar Prices under control” Just a two days back. Few days back, the government has increased duty from 40% to 50% duty on Sugar.
Although the government is in the mood to take some tough steps to reduce the price of sugar CNBC Voice (News channel ) reported that the government is also preparing to set up stock limits on mills.
In fact, in the past few days, sugar prices are showing sharp rise in sugar prime after the GST is implemented. Sugar is being sold in Delhi at a price of US$680 to US$700 per mt. Government tears that demand tor sugar may be rise during festivals and this is due to the risk of sugar becoming more expensive. The government has already approved 0.5 million tons of duty free sugar Import
Farmers on strike due to renewal of sugar mill
On the renewal of the Karnal Sugar Mill on Wednesday, the farmers of 50 villages under the banner of the Indian Farmer Union in front of the Sugar Mill Gate have given a ruckus. Farmers announced that if their demand was not fulfilled then they would continue to hold the dam. On this occasion, BKU state president Ratanman said that Chief Minister had promised 10 months ago that the renewal of Sugar Mill will be done soon, but this has passed 10 months. He clearly stated that Haryana Sugar Fed Chairman Chandra Prakash Kathuria had also given assurance for renewal in the Panchayat of the farmers. The 40-year-old Sugar Mill has become completely clean. The machines here have been out of date due to which the farmers will have trouble.
(Source: Times News)