Market updates on a whole range of dried fruit with up-to-date price trends
Dried Fruit
Jun 1, 2017

Figs: Crops at risk

AYDIN. The weather will play a particularly important role in the next few weeks. Traders cannot exclude that the fruits will suffer.
Dried Fruit
May 30, 2017

Apricots: Serious competition for Turkey

MALATYA. Besides Turkey, Russian dried fruit importers also purchase dried apricots from Tajikistan. The prices are unbeatable.
Dried Fruit
May 18, 2017

Figs: Traders deliver on their promise

AYDIN. The price increase this week did not come as a surprise on the Turkish dried fruit market, nonetheless, the difference was particularly noticeable.
Dried Fruit
May 17, 2017

Apricots: Exports are picking up the pace

MALATYA. The weekly export figures are at a similar level as last year at this time, however, the overall export volume differs significantly.
Dried Fruit
May 17, 2017

Sultanas: Market players need to act

MANISA. Turkish dried fruit traders consider the season to be finished, ongoing contracts are being fulfilled on the side, and they are concentrating on the new crop.
Dried Fruit
May 12, 2017

Figs: Traders are stocking up

AYDIN. In view of the poor quality of the 2016 dried fig production, Turkish traders are stocking up with the remaining commodities, so that there are hardly any more available quantities on the market.
Bakery seeds
May 12, 2017

Apricots: Potential price development

MALATYA. For the 2017/18 season, Turkish exporters are expecting a strong demand for both fresh and dried apricots.
Dried Fruit
May 12, 2017

Sultanas: Nothing is left. Or a lot.

MANISA. Due to the lack of official predictions, varying estimations for the new crop are circulating on the Turkish sultanas market. Although they are supposed to be "good” altogether, but compared to what?
Dried Fruit
May 5, 2017

Apricots: Traders are hesitant

MALATYA. For the Turkish dried apricot market, Russia still remains the most promising candidate, other than that, the market is hardly demonstrating any development.
Dried Fruit
May 5, 2017

Figs: Poor quality and quantity

AYDIN. The prices for Turkish dried figs have temporarily stabilised, but the question is not whether, rather when they will rise again.
Dried Fruit
May 5, 2017

Sultanas: Turkish traders are confident

MANISA. Turkish sultana traders see themselves in a clearly better position than the competition, especially with regards to the quality of their commodities.
Dried Fruit
Apr 27, 2017

Apricots: Russia is an important trade partner

MALATYA. This season's expectations regarding the exports of dried apricots from Turkey to Russia cannot be fully met. This could change in 2017/18.
Dried Fruit
Apr 27, 2017

Figs: Panic buying is driving the market

AYDIN. Due to the already high price level, buyers who are not covered yet for this season want to fill in the gaps quickly. The effect this will have on prices should come as no surprise.
Dried Fruit
Apr 26, 2017

Sultanas: Good quality but lower yields expected

MANISA. The first signs of fruit development can be seen on the vines, and despite the snow in the last few days, a good sultana production can still be expected for 2017.
Dried Fruit
Apr 21, 2017

Figs: Worries in Turkey

AYDIN. With exports dwindling Turkey is facing enormous problems in the USA, Italy and Germany.
Dried Fruit
Apr 21, 2017

Apricots: Turkey misses out

MALATYA. Turkish exports have so far failed to meet expectations. Buyers in Germany are, however, proving the big exception.
Dried Fruit
Apr 21, 2017

Sultanas: Farmers want to raise prices

MANISA. In almost six weeks, the fasting month of Ramadan will begin. For the Turkish dried fruit market, it is probably the last chance to get business moving again.
Dried Fruit
Apr 10, 2017

Figs: Hardly any EU quality left in the market

AYDIN. The supply situation on the market for dried figs from Turkey is becoming increasingly difficult. The raw fig prices of high quality have meanwhile reached 14 TRY/kg.
Dried Fruit
Apr 7, 2017

Sultanas: Suppliers are encouraging end-of-season sale

MANISA. To prevent speculation, Turkish public authorities are reluctant to make early estimates regarding the production. They should be released in July at the earliest.
Dried Fruit
Apr 7, 2017

Apricots: Downwards trend

MALATYA. Even if the production outlook is altogether positive, Turkish dried fruit suppliers are still playing it safe with apricots.
Dried Fruit
Mar 31, 2017

Figs: The buyers must take the initiative

AYDIN. There are hardly any dried fruit traders who are currently offering figs offensively, they are mainly reacting to concrete requests.
Dried Fruit
Mar 31, 2017

Apricots: It's worth a try

MALATYA. The apricot growing areas surrounding Malatya were also not spared from the slight frost last week, and the market reacted with artificial shortage.
Dried Fruit
Mar 30, 2017

Sultanas: Fewer grapes for sultana production

MANISA. Even though there are hardly any spot requests, existing contracts are keeping the sultana exports from Turkey running.
Dried Fruit
Mar 21, 2017

Sultanas: Severe frost damages in Turkey

MANISA. Shock in Turkey as the worst fears have come true. Frost has severely affected the vineyards.
Dried Fruit
Mar 16, 2017

The EU rejects figs from Turkey

AYDIN. It is becoming increasingly evident that aflatoxin is a serious problem. The EU has rejected several deliveries from Turkey.
Dried Fruit
Mar 16, 2017

Apricots: Export boom in Turkey

MALATYA. The region around Malatya is busy preparing for temperatures well below freezing. At the same time the demand for dried Turkish apricots has increased.
Dried Fruit
Mar 15, 2017

Sultanas: Minus temperatures in Turkey

MANISA. Snow in Turkey is causing concerns as temperatures are set to drop well below freezing.
Dried Fruit
Mar 8, 2017

Figs: Quality is a disaster

AYDIN. The quality issues in Turkey have deterred buyers. This is shown in the most recent export figures.
Dried Fruit
Mar 8, 2017

Apricots: Buyers cannot be tempted

MALATYA. With the referendum and the new crop drawing nearer uncertainties are generated in the Turkish dried apricot market. On top of this, only few buyers are interested in prompt deliveries.
Dried Fruit
Mar 8, 2017

Sultanas: Buyers prefer to wait

MANISA. The Turkish Lira is causing great concerns in Turkey. The fact that the currency has once again lost in value last week has greatly unsettled the traders.
Dried Fruit
Mar 1, 2017

Figs: Buyers are urged to be cautious

AYDIN. Experts are urging inexperienced buyers to pay special attention to quality in Turkey.
Dried Fruit
Mar 1, 2017

Sultanas: Desperate attempts to attract buyers

MANISA. Suppliers in Turkey are desperately trying to attract late buyers.
Dried Fruit
Mar 1, 2017

Apricots: Strong demand from Eastern Europe

MALATYA. The Eastern European market is growing increasingly hungry for dried apricots. But it is too soon for suppliers in Turkey to switch to party mode.
Dried Fruit
Feb 24, 2017

Sultanas: How to attract new customers

MANISA. Traders visiting last week’s Biofach where not very enthusiastic. They are desperately seeking for ideas to attract new customers.
Dried Fruit
Feb 21, 2017

Iran's share in the production and export of barberry

Iran produces about 98% of world consumption.
Dried Fruit
Feb 15, 2017

Sultanas: Turkey leaves competitors without a chance

MANISA. Competitors are left speechless. Prices in Turkey are simply irresistible. The situation is set to get worse.
Import / Export Statistics
Feb 14, 2017

Market Report Iranian Raisins

The European Market is dominated by Turkish Sultanas but Iranian are active in other markets
Dried Fruit
Feb 9, 2017

Figs: The bubble is about to burst

AYDIN. The most recent export figures from Turkey give no reason to celebrate. Market participants agree that the market is at the crossroads.
Dried Fruit
Feb 9, 2017

Sultanas: Frost damages in Turkey

MANISA. Market participants in Turkey can be highly satisfied with their sales this season. The weather with its possible risk of frost is, however, drawing more and more attention.
Dried Fruit
Feb 2, 2017

Apricots: Suppliers are ready to negotiate

MALATYA. Looking at the figures for 2016/17 you might gain the impression that the market is overburdened with the consistently positive results.
Dried Fruit
Feb 2, 2017

Figs: Traders are withdrawing from the market

AYDIN. The price tendency for dried figs from Turkey can easily be predicted: it is on the rise.
Dried Fruit
Feb 2, 2017

Sultanas: Frost to ensure good prices

MANISA. Turkish traders are not concerned for the moment about possible price increases but sultana growers are growing restless.
Import / Export Statistics
Jan 30, 2017

Dried Figs: Hard Facts and Figures

The most relevant data relating to dried figs is provided in a clearly structured Excel file. Including: Background information, global fig production, the import and export figures and prices.
Dried Fruit
Jan 26, 2017

Figs: German purchasers are not deterred

AYDIN. Buyers are finding it increasingly difficult to receive offers for dried figs from Turkey. Those who still have goods not bound in contracts can maintain the price levels of last week.
Dried Fruit
Jan 26, 2017

Impending panic in the market for apricots?

MALATYA. Turkish apricot farmers are uncertain in the face of continuous high availability of dried apricots. Which are the consequences for the market?
Dried Fruit
Jan 25, 2017

Sultanas: Chinese suppliers are shocked

MANISA. With sales dwindling China is growing increasingly nervous. The latest export figures are confirming their fears.
Import / Export Statistics
Jan 24, 2017

Dried Apricots: Hard facts and figures

The most relevant data relating to dried apricots is provided in a clearly structured Excel file. Including: Background information, global apricot production, the import and export figures and prices.
Dried Fruit
Jan 19, 2017

Apricots: spiralling down to happiness?

MALATYA. The Turkish market for dried fruit brought a large production of dried apricots in 2016. What should buyers expect in the next few weeks?