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Mar 6, 2017

Sesame Seeds (Market Report)

Current Prices & Market Information
Mar 3, 2017

Hazelnuts: Problems in Turkey

ORDU. Turkey has a problem. The right of succession stipulating that orchards can solely be passed on to the next generation have caused many orchards to be divided into smaller lots.
Mar 3, 2017

Live insects: Imports from India have been suspended

GUJARAT. Vietnam has suspended imports from India. Several agro commodities are contaminated with live insects.
Mar 2, 2017

Flaxseed: Extremely low prices

LODZ. With the preparations for sowing in full swing the market is anxiously wondering how prices will develop.
Mar 2, 2017

Sunflower seed kernels: Booming markets

SOFIA. Luxury prices in Bulgaria and a tremendous shift in Germany. The processors are, however, confronted with considerable pressure.
Mar 2, 2017

Sesame Seeds (Market Report)

Current Prices & Market Information
Mar 1, 2017

Sesame seeds: A shock for India

NEW DELHI/FRANKFURT. The developments taking place in the German sesame seed market come as a shock to India. The country is clearly losing out to other competitors.
Dried Fruit
Mar 1, 2017

Figs: Buyers are urged to be cautious

AYDIN. Experts are urging inexperienced buyers to pay special attention to quality in Turkey.
Dried Fruit
Mar 1, 2017

Sultanas: Desperate attempts to attract buyers

MANISA. Suppliers in Turkey are desperately trying to attract late buyers.
Dried Fruit
Mar 1, 2017

Apricots: Strong demand from Eastern Europe

MALATYA. The Eastern European market is growing increasingly hungry for dried apricots. But it is too soon for suppliers in Turkey to switch to party mode.
Feb 28, 2017

Pumpkin seed kernels: Plummeting prices force suppliers to fight for survival

DALIAN. Market participants cannot believe how low prices have dropped in China. The price development of the last few months is simply incredible.
Feb 28, 2017

Flaxseed: No chance for Canada in Germany

OTTAWA. The GMO scandal eight years back caused enormous setbacks to Canada. Demand for Canadian flaxseed is particularly low in Germany. The latest export figures, however, show an amazing shift.
Feb 27, 2017

Hazelnuts: Game over for speculators

ORDU. Speculators have failed to push up prices. Economists are highly concerned with President Erdogan’s policy. And to make matters worse, Turkey is faced with increasing competition from abroad. Although uncertainty is ruling the market, some traders are confident that there will be valuable opportunities this year.
Dried Fruit
Feb 24, 2017

Sultanas: How to attract new customers

MANISA. Traders visiting last week’s Biofach where not very enthusiastic. They are desperately seeking for ideas to attract new customers.
Feb 24, 2017

Bulgarian almonds: high prices of locally grown almonds survive against market forces

Local almond farmers find market forces to no avail. Prices are as high as ever and no relief is forecasted since local remaining quantities are low. The Californian almond is not considered a threat, at all.
Feb 23, 2017

Sunflower seed kernels: Astronomical prices in Bulgaria

SOFIA. The market is not heeding the current rainfalls. Astronomical prices are instead causing concern in Bulgaria. The exporters are facing a dilemma.
Feb 23, 2017

Sunflower seed kernels: An unbelievable success story

KIEV. The market in the Ukraine is currently witnessing incredible successes. Even existing export duties have failed to diminish international appetite.
Feb 22, 2017

Blue poppy seeds: A good incentive for buyers

PRAGUE. The traders in the Czech Republic are despairing. Sluggish demand and enormous supplies are forcing them to desperate measures. But there may be a good incentive for their customers to buy.
Feb 22, 2017

Sesame seeds: Prices are skyrocketing

NEW DELHI. The sesame seed market in India is in celebration mode. Demand has boosted confidence.
Dried Fruit
Feb 21, 2017

Iran's share in the production and export of barberry

Iran produces about 98% of world consumption.
Feb 21, 2017

Hazelnuts: Shock waves in Turkey

ORDU. Erdoğan, the referendum and continual political unrest are sending shock waves through Turkey. The hazelnut market is also feeling the impact.
Feb 21, 2017

Bulgarian walnuts: short raw materials pushed prices higher

Foreign buyers expected a further relief on the market, but local exporters seem not to fear lack of buyers. The latter keep the course firm: Prices are expected to increase!
Feb 21, 2017

Pumpkin seed kernels: Price dumping in China

DALIAN. Suppliers are despairing in China. It is next to impossible to sell their products and they are running out of ideas to attract buyers.
Feb 20, 2017

Peanuts: Suppliers are putting off European buyers

BUENOS AIRES. Quality concerns are proving a disaster for sales in the European market. And the top producers are certainly struggling. To make matters worse it seems as if disaster is about to strike while demand in Germany is on the rise.
Feb 17, 2017

Blue poppy seeds: Buyers still prefer to wait

PRAGUE. Abundant supplies and comparatively low prices should actually attract buyers. But different rules apparently apply in the Czech Republic.
Feb 17, 2017

India: Quality is becoming an increasing problem

GUJARAT. The spice market certainly has a problem. Quality is an issue, which is gaining in importance.
Feb 16, 2017

Sunflower seed kernels: Tough luck for buyers

SOFIA. Bulgarian suppliers are facing hard times. They are confronted with stubborn farmers and limited demand.
Feb 15, 2017

Germany’s growing appetite for US almonds

SACRAMENTO. President Trump may not be Merkel’s best friend. But the Germans are certainly hungry for US almonds. Other competitors hardly stand a chance and need to be very creative. They are facing a tough season.
Dried Fruit
Feb 15, 2017

Sultanas: Turkey leaves competitors without a chance

MANISA. Competitors are left speechless. Prices in Turkey are simply irresistible. The situation is set to get worse.
Dried Fruit
Feb 14, 2017

Market Report Iranian Raisins

The European Market is dominated by Turkish Sultanas but Iranian are active in other markets
Feb 14, 2017

Hazelnuts: Come late, pay more

ORDU. New demands are few and far between on the Turkish market for hazelnuts lately, but contract sales were more plentiful last week. Exports on the other hand have increased in the time since the beginning of the season to about 120,000 mt.
Feb 13, 2017

Pumpkin Seeds: Disastrous prospects

DALIAN. Factories in China have finally resumed regular activities but trade in pumpkin seeds is still having start-up problems.
Feb 13, 2017

Sesame seeds: Traders in India took things too far

NEW DELHI. Since the competition was seen to attract a high demand in sesame seeds, prices in India were raised by about 100 USD/mt in the course of two weeks. Now buyers are fighting back.
Feb 13, 2017

Cashews: Price hikes in 2017

HANOI/NEW DELHI. The market witnessed considerable price hikes last year. Some experts claim that 2017 will be equally exciting.
Feb 13, 2017

Blue poppy seeds: Essential facts

PRAGUE. Not all market participants agree that current demand for blue poppy seeds is low. Different views have apparently lead to different facts.
Feb 10, 2017

India: The rural economy is collapsing

GUJARAT. The farmers in India are growing increasingly angry. Government measures are proving useless, severe drought is ruling the country and insurances have failed to compensate farmers. Demonetisation has resulted in a crash crunch, which is several affecting the rural economy and the market for spices.
Feb 9, 2017

Sunflower seed kernels: Bulgaria challenges Germany

SOFIA. Sunflower seed kernels from Bulgaria are becoming more and more popular, especially in Germany. But interest is also increasing in other countries meaning that buyers in Germany may be facing hard times.
Dried Fruit
Feb 9, 2017

Figs: The bubble is about to burst

AYDIN. The most recent export figures from Turkey give no reason to celebrate. Market participants agree that the market is at the crossroads.
Dried Fruit
Feb 9, 2017

Sultanas: Frost damages in Turkey

MANISA. Market participants in Turkey can be highly satisfied with their sales this season. The weather with its possible risk of frost is, however, drawing more and more attention.
Feb 8, 2017

Blue poppy seeds: A master plan for destruction

PRAGUE. The Czech Republic certainly knows how to destroy a market. Although conditions were initially ideal for attracting buyers, the market has successfully managed to drive away its customers.
Feb 8, 2017

Fatal competition in the sesame seed market

NEW DELHI. The latest import figures for Germany show that one producer is clearly beating all other competitors – despite considerable price increases. Market participants are left speechless.
Feb 7, 2017

Bulgarian hazelnuts: a weak year, small quantities

The future could hold better prospects
Feb 7, 2017

Bulgarian walnuts: shortage of supplies

Take a deep breath: the price could rise fast
Feb 3, 2017

India: High flying agricultural sector

GUJARAT. The Indian agricultural sector is expected to grow by 4.1% this year. This is a considerable increase in comparison to last year as the sector only grew by 1.2%.
Dried Fruit
Feb 2, 2017

Apricots: Suppliers are ready to negotiate

MALATYA. Looking at the figures for 2016/17 you might gain the impression that the market is overburdened with the consistently positive results.
Dried Fruit
Feb 2, 2017

Figs: Traders are withdrawing from the market

AYDIN. The price tendency for dried figs from Turkey can easily be predicted: it is on the rise.
Dried Fruit
Feb 2, 2017

Sultanas: Frost to ensure good prices

MANISA. Turkish traders are not concerned for the moment about possible price increases but sultana growers are growing restless.
Feb 1, 2017

Pumpkin Seeds: Prices might drop this far

DALIAN. In spite of the holidays around the Chinese New Year several suppliers of pumpkin seeds have been available for a chat about further price developments.