Market updates on oilseeds with up-to-date price trends
Feb 13, 2017

Sesame seeds: Traders in India took things too far

NEW DELHI. Since the competition was seen to attract a high demand in sesame seeds, prices in India were raised by about 100 USD/mt in the course of two weeks. Now buyers are fighting back.
Feb 13, 2017

Blue poppy seeds: Essential facts

PRAGUE. Not all market participants agree that current demand for blue poppy seeds is low. Different views have apparently lead to different facts.
Feb 9, 2017

Sunflower seed kernels: Bulgaria challenges Germany

SOFIA. Sunflower seed kernels from Bulgaria are becoming more and more popular, especially in Germany. But interest is also increasing in other countries meaning that buyers in Germany may be facing hard times.
Feb 8, 2017

Blue poppy seeds: A master plan for destruction

PRAGUE. The Czech Republic certainly knows how to destroy a market. Although conditions were initially ideal for attracting buyers, the market has successfully managed to drive away its customers.
Feb 8, 2017

Fatal competition in the sesame seed market

NEW DELHI. The latest import figures for Germany show that one producer is clearly beating all other competitors – despite considerable price increases. Market participants are left speechless.
Bakery seeds
Feb 1, 2017

Pumpkin Seeds: Prices might drop this far

DALIAN. In spite of the holidays around the Chinese New Year several suppliers of pumpkin seeds have been available for a chat about further price developments.
Bakery seeds
Feb 1, 2017

Sesame seeds: India pushes to the front

NEU-DELHI. Traders in India still report good purchasing interest from China for African sesame seeds and are rising with the tide of current demand.
Bakery seeds
Feb 1, 2017

Flax seed: Time to change origins

LODZ. Within the first four weeks of 2017 the Eastern European market for flax seed already had more to offer than in the entire year before.
Feb 1, 2017

Blue poppy seeds: Tough luck for suppliers

PRAG. The range of prices for blue poppy seeds in the market of the Czech Republic is enormous and those who have concluded good contracts with their suppliers are far ahead of the competition.
Bakery seeds
Jan 27, 2017

Flax seed: Quantity instead of quality?

ASTANA. Frost had forced Canadian flax seed growers to finish harvesting early and farmers in Eastern Europe had similar problems. The plants have not taken this well in all growing regions.
Bakery seeds
Jan 26, 2017

Sunflower seeds: First expectations for crops in 2017

SOFIA. Weather conditions in Bulgaria are slowly turning back to normal and in February temperatures are expected to be back within their average range. It will be very cold again at the end of January but at least no further snowfall is expected.
Jan 25, 2017

Pumpkin Seeds: And what will happen after the holidays?

DALIAN. Most factories in China are already closed and by the end of the week at the very latest the traders too will be on holiday. What can we expect from the market after that?
Jan 25, 2017

Sesame seeds: Will the price hike continue?

NEU-DELHI. Imports from Africa continue while traders in India require additional amounts to cover demand.
Jan 20, 2017

Sesame seeds: Demand is soaring

NEW DELHI. Last year’s disappointing crop is posing a great challenge to India. The market has to be very creative to be able to meet overseas demand.
Jan 20, 2017

Rapeseed: Fierce competition

SOFIA. With demand soaring the farmers in Bulgaria had reason to celebrate last year. The question, however, is if the country will prove an equally fierce competitor in the international market this year.
Jan 20, 2017

Sunflower seeds: Archaic conditions make operations difficult

SOFIA. Snow is still piling up in Bulgarian cultivation areas and roads are still impassable for trucks which is impeding exports.
Jan 19, 2017

Flaxseed: Advantages for those who collect their goods on site

LODZ. Depending on origin and supplier buyers are currently getting a broad range of prices for flaxseed from Eastern Europe.
Jan 18, 2017

Pumpkin seed kernels: Prices of the last decade

The most relevant prices relating to pumpkin seed kernels are provided in a clearly structured Excel file: 10 years of pumpkin seed kernel price development at once
Jan 18, 2017

Blue poppy seed: Will farmers raise their prices soon?

CHRUDIM. The Czech market for blue poppy seed has not had a smooth start in the new year. Two opposing forces have had their effect on the market.
Jan 18, 2017

Sesame seeds: Comparing prices is worthwhile

NEU-DELHI. The Indian market for sesame seeds is feeling the pressure from Africa but most dealers have not given up hope yet.
Jan 18, 2017

Pumpkin seeds: The Countdown has started

DALIAN. Only to weeks to go until Chinese New Year and normal trade activities are only expected for a few more days. Then many of the workers will start travelling to rural areas to visit their families.
Bakery seeds
Jan 12, 2017

Sunflower seeds: Snow impedes trade

SOFIA. The snow expected in Bulgaria has fallen and the agricultural area is covered in over 50 cm of snow. Thus moisture content of their field soil is currently nothing farmers need to worry about.
Jan 12, 2017

Blue poppy seeds: Did suppliers see this coming?

PRAGUE. The Czech market for blue poppy seeds has been sluggish in the first few weeks of the new year and traders are keeping busy elsewhere.
Jan 9, 2017

Pumpkin seed kernels: Exporters under pressure

 DALIAN. The Chinese New Year is coming up at the end of January. And the market is in busy preparation.
Bakery seeds
Jan 2, 2017

Sunflower seed kernels: Hard facts and figures

The most relevant data is provided in a clearly structured Excel file. Including: Background information, global sunflower seed production, the import and export figures and prices.
Bakery seeds
Jan 2, 2017

Flaxseed: Hard facts and figures

The most relevant data relating to flaxseed is provided in a clearly structured Excel file. Including: Background information, global flaxseed production, the import and export figures and prices.
Import / Export Statistics
Jan 2, 2017

Soybeans: Hard facts and figures

The most relevant data relating to soybeans is provided in a clearly structured Excel file. Including: Background information, global soybean production, the import and export figures and prices.
Jan 2, 2017

Poppy seeds: Hard facts and figures

The most relevant data relating to poppy seeds is provided in a clearly structured Excel file. Including: Background information, global poppy seed production, the import and export figures and prices.
Dec 23, 2016

Corn: The avian influenza may have an enormous impact on the market

SOFIA. The avian influenza and the swine flu are starting to have an enormous impact on the export markets for grains and oilseeds. It does, however, seem as if one country may profit from disaster.
Dec 16, 2016

Flaxseed: Congested infrastructure delays deliveries

LODZ. The flaxseed market is currently experiencing its peak phase. It should become significantly quieter in the new year.
Dec 16, 2016

Sunflower seed kernels: Suppliers are putting their shoulders to the wheel

SOFIA. Just in time for Christmas, the cold, dry weather in Bulgaria could turn to snowfall in the coming week, especially in the south of the country.
Dec 14, 2016

Pumpkin seed kernel prices in comparison

DALIAN. Due to the upcoming holidays in large parts of the world, Chinese pumpkin seed traders will have to prepare to be spending a few quieter weeks.
Dec 13, 2016

Blue poppy seeds: Last price hike before turn of the year?

CHRUDIM. The development of the Czech blue poppy seed market has taken a surprising turn shortly before the holidays.
Dec 13, 2016

Are sesame seed prices just short of a free fall?

NEW DELHI. Currently, Indian suppliers are having a hard time keeping the price level. A little help from Africa is just what they need now.
Dec 12, 2016

Blue poppy seeds: Optimistic expectations

CHRUDIM. The Czech Republic is by far the most important blue poppy seed producer in Germany. But the recent import figures may come as a surprise to some exporters.
Import / Export Statistics
Dec 7, 2016

Sesame seeds: Hard facts and figures

The most relevant data relating to sesame seeds is provided in a clearly structured Excel file. Including: Background information, global sesame seed production, the import and export figures and prices.
Dec 7, 2016

Sesame seeds: Surprising shift in demand in Germany

NEW DELHI. The latest import statistics from Germany indicate a surprising shift in demand, which may come as a shock to some exporters.
Dec 6, 2016

Rapeseed: Hungry for more

SOFIA. The international hunger for Bulgarian rapeseed appears to be undiminished. But will the country be able to keep up with demand?
Dec 1, 2016

Flaxseed: A flood of offers from Poland

LODZ. The Eastern European flaxseed market seems to be caught up by a wave of panic, while Russian raw flaxseed suppliers are rubbing their hands in anticipation.
Dec 1, 2016

Corn: Bulgaria is in for a surprise

SOFIA. The latest crop figures in Bulgaria have come as a surprise for the farmers.
Nov 30, 2016

Flaxseed: Canada still under pressure

OTTAWA. The Flax Council of Canada had raised awareness in a report in mid-November concerning the bad weather in October, and the subsequent difficulties for Canadian flaxseed farmers.
Nov 30, 2016

Sunflower seed kernels: Price plunge in 2017?

SOFIA. A look at the current price chart already hints at what is to be expected in the coming weeks on the sunflower seed market.
Nov 29, 2016

Pumpkin seed kernels: For they know not what they should do

DALIAN. Now that the demand for Chinese pumpkin seed kernels is decreasing again, there is a fierce competition among the suppliers.
Nov 29, 2016

Sesame seeds: Fear of a shortage spreading

NEW DELHI. As assumed for some time, Indian Oilseed and Produce Export Promotion Council (IOPEPC) is developing into an ever clearer picture, according to most recent reports.
Nov 28, 2016

Flaxseed: This is the price to pay

LODZ. Only -3 °C, or as they say in Kazakhstan: thaw. Temperatures were already at -30 °C this autumn. Although it is still too cold as that farmers could work on the remaining 17% acreage.
Nov 23, 2016

Pumpkin seed: Quiet after the storm?

DALIAN. The year 2016 is almost done and with that also the rush of inquiries that pleased Chinese pumpkin seed traders so in the last few weeks.
Nov 22, 2016

Sunflower seed kernels are not without alternative

SOFIA. It looks as though the rainfall of the last few weeks in southern Bulgaria came too late, which is why market participants do not rule out that parts of the rapeseed cultivation areas are lost, and must be sowed anew.
Nov 21, 2016

Sesame seeds: Dangerous mixes

NEW DELHI. By now, the Indian government has increased withdrawal limits per day for farmers and registered traders from 4,000 rupees to 10,000 rupees (55 euro/138 euro).