Market updates on a whole range of dried fruit with up-to-date price trends
Dried Fruit
Jul 10, 2023

Dried mulberries: harvest has begun

IZMIR. As expected, the start of the Turkish mulberry season is delayed by several weeks this year; cool temperatures had affected the development of the fruit. Prices are significantly higher than last year.
Dried Fruit
Jul 4, 2023

Dried apricots: harvest of fresh fruit has begun

MALATYA. The harvest of fresh apricots has started in the valleys of the Turkish growing areas and there are first price indications. However, farmers are facing various hurdles in the upcoming season.
Dried Fruit
Jul 4, 2023

Dried figs: weather is crucial

AYDIN. Market players are following the weather developments in the fig growing regions in Aydin with great interest. The outlook is still good. Last week's holidays brought exports to a virtual standstill.
Dried Fruit
Jul 4, 2023

Sultanas: higher costs due to pesticides

MANISA. High moisture levels in the growing regions are forcing growers to use more pesticides. This is likely to affect both the quality and pricing of this year's sultana production.
Dried Fruit
Jun 29, 2023

Prunes: China and Germany are main export destinations

SACRAMENTO/SANTIAGO. Chile's prune exports started well in the first months of 2023. China and Germany emerged as the main buyers during this period.
Dried Fruit
Jun 27, 2023

Dried figs: pollination phase off to a good start

AYDIN. Market players report good weather conditions for the development of the Turkish fig crop. Due to the holidays, the market is expected to be quiet this week.
Dried Fruit
Jun 27, 2023

Sultanas: optimistic production prospects

MANISA/TEHRAN. Rumours of comparatively optimistic production expectations are circulating in the Turkish sultana market. Meanwhile, the TMO is putting its raw material stocks on sale for only a few more days, while the market is expected to be quiet due to the Feast of Sacrifice.
Dried Fruit
Jun 27, 2023

Dried apricots: preparations for the new season

MALATYA. Preparations for the new season are underway in Malatya, but concerns remain about whether there will be enough workers available for the harvest. Exporters are finding it difficult to set prices for the new crop.
Jun 21, 2023

Desiccated coconuts: El Niño sets in

MANILA. There is good demand on the coconut market and prices are holding steady. However, market players are concerned about El Niño - the weather phenomenon can lead to considerable problems, especially in Asia.
Dried Fruit
Jun 21, 2023

Dried cranberries: stable prices for 2023

MADISON. While the cranberry crop is lower in some North American growing states due to adverse weather conditions, it remains average in other areas. The market situation appears stable for the rest of the year.
Dried Fruit
Jun 20, 2023

Dried figs: more clarity not until July

AYDIN. With the delayed start of the fertilisation phase in the Turkish fig regions, warmer temperatures are finally expected to set in. Meanwhile, the upcoming holidays ensure that export processing is in full swing.
Dried Fruit
Jun 20, 2023

Dried apricots: first crop estimates

MALATYA. The first production estimates for the new season have been announced in Malatya, but not all market players agree. The quantity and quality of the crop are up for debate.
Dried Fruit
Jun 20, 2023

Sultanas: long wait for crop updates

MANISA. Patience is required as revised production estimates for sultanas will only be issued after the Eid holidays, which will take place in Turkey from 29 June to 1 July. Not everyone is keen on taking risks regarding quotations for the new crop.
Dried Fruit
Jun 13, 2023

Dried figs: pollination delayed

AYDIN. Fig pollination is finally underway in Aydin in Turkey. Although the weather is still cloudy, hope is that the current high temperatures will speed up developments.
Dried Fruit
Jun 13, 2023

Dried apricots: new crop to arrive as late as mid-August

MALATYA. Traders state that this year's dried apricot production may be delayed by as much as three weeks in Turkey. Trouble are the adverse weather conditions witnessed in early summer. Prices are still climbing.
Dried Fruit
Jun 13, 2023

Sultanas: delays and damages

MANISA. Damage assessments are still underway in Manisa after heavy rains hit the vineyards. Forecasts predict more rain at the end of the week. The situation is certainly alarming for sultanas.
Dried Fruit
Jun 6, 2023

Dried figs: harvest delays are certain

AYDIN. As adverse weather conditions are impacting the fig trees in Turkey havesting will be delayed by one to two weeks. Exports are, however, up and running.
Dried Fruit
Jun 6, 2023

Dried apricots: prices still surging

MALATYA. Heavy rains have caused considerable damage for apricots in Turkey. Higher temperatures are also required and prices are surging.
Dried Fruit
Jun 6, 2023

Sultanas: rain and hailstorms wreak havoc in Manisa

MANISA. Heavy rains and hailstorms along with floods and landslides have wreaked havoc in the vineyards and the full extent of the damage still needs to be assessed. High humidity is causing additional problems. Prospects could, in other words, hardly be worse for sultanas.
Dried Fruit
May 31, 2023

Dried apricots: export prices continue to rise

MALATYA. Dwindling stocks are pushing up export prices for Turkish dried apricots. Meanwhile, the cool and wet weather does not provide the best conditions for the fruits’ development.
Dried Fruit
May 30, 2023

Dried figs: global production to increase

AYDIN. The pollination period in Turkey will soon be over and in the coming weeks it should become clear whether the untypical weather conditions have affected the fig trees. The first crop forecasts were already announced last week.
Dried Fruit
May 30, 2023

Sultanas: INC production forecast lower than last year

MANISA. Rainstorms and hail caused flooding in rural Manisa, with an estimated 4,000 ha of land reportedly affected by the damage. Investigations are still ongoing.
Dried Fruit
May 23, 2023

Dried mulberries: harvest is delayed

IZMIR. The cool weather in Turkey caused noticeable delays in the development of the mulberries. Forecasts for the new crop are thus not available at the moment.
Dried Fruit
May 23, 2023

Dried figs: cool temperatures threaten crop

AYDIN. The 40th International Nut and Dried Fruit Congress is being held in London this week, where crop estimates for various nuts and dried fruit are also being discussed. Meanwhile, the market is not entirely carefree about the coming season.
Dried Fruit
May 23, 2023

Dried apricots: no official estimates yet

MALATYA. As the earthquakes in February have not yet allowed any official studies to be conducted regarding this year's yields, there are also no estimates for the new apricot crop. Carry-over stocks also still need to be determined more precisely.
Dried Fruit
May 23, 2023

Sultanas: TMO starts selling

MANISA. Buyers are a bit disappointed as the TMO is not sellling any type 9 sultanas at present. Persistant spring weather conditions may spell trouble for the crop in Turkey.
May 17, 2023

Desiccated coconuts: EU imports are declining

MANILA/BRUSSELS. While the market for desiccated coconuts is currently rather quiet, the demand for roasted coconut chips is increasing. The El Niño weather phenomenon will prove to be an important factor for market development this year. EU imports are down year-on-year.
Dried Fruit
May 16, 2023

Dried figs: pollination period set for mid-June

AYDIN. Optimal weather conditions should ensure that fig trees in Aydin enter the next phase of development in mid-June. The crop prospects are still optimistic.
Dried Fruit
May 16, 2023

Dried apricots: hail damage in Malatya

MALATYA. Heavy rain and hailstorms have caused damage to apricot trees, and there is still no end in sight. Elections remain a key issue in Turkey, with run-off elections due at the end of the month.
Dried Fruit
May 16, 2023

Sultanas: price rise is inevitable

MANISA. TMO sales may start this week, despite the uncertainty generated by Sunday's election results in Turkey that render a runoff between Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the leader of the opposition Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu necessary. Issue is that both candidates failed to secure 50% of the votes in the first round of the election. The runoff will take place on 28 May.
Dried Fruit
May 10, 2023

Prunes: EU imports up by a quarter

SANTIAGO. Chilean prunes currently hold virtual monopoly position, which consolidates prices. Meanwhile, the latest EU import data show that imports from third countries increased by about a quarter last year.
Dried Fruit
May 9, 2023

Dried figs: endless waiting

AYDIN. The upcoming elections are paralysing trading activity in the Turkish dried fruit market in many places. The outcome could have a decisive influence on the price development.
Dried Fruit
May 9, 2023

Dried apricots: situation eases slightly

MALATYA. Prices have declined again on the Turkish apricot market, mainly due to two factors. In addition, a certain degree of normality is returning to Malatya.
Dried Fruit
May 9, 2023

Sultanas: reckless promise

MANISA/BEIJING. As supplies are running low the market is speculating on when the TMO will start to sell sultanas. In a bid to win votes in Turkey's general election, which will be held on 14 May, the opposition leader has also made a reckless promise concerning prices.
Dried Fruit
May 3, 2023

Dates: first downturn in EU

TEHRAN/BRUSSELS. Ramadan boosted demand for dates in Iran in the first quarter. Demand has thereby taken a most peculiar twist in Turkey. EU imports, however, witnessed a downturn in 2022.
Dried Fruit
May 2, 2023

Dried apricots: earthquake aftermath causes prices to rise

MALATYA. Whereas market players had reckoned that prices for Turkish dried apricots might even fall in some cases after Ramadan, the exact opposite has occurred. Moreover, pests continue to pose a threat to the trees.
Dried Fruit
May 2, 2023

Dried figs: don't count your chickens before they hatch

AYDIN. Sufficient rainfall and moderate temperatures in the past weeks were good conditions for a high-yield fig crop. However, market players emphasise that there may still be problems until the end of the drying period.
Dried Fruit
May 2, 2023

Sultanas: frost shock in Turkey

MANISA. Frosty weather prospects sent the Turkish dried fruit market into panic. In the meantime, the upcoming elections in Turkey took the full attention of the market players.
Dried Fruit
Apr 25, 2023

Sultanas: crop forecast and TMO prices give direction

MANISA/BEIJING. In Turkey, trading activity is relatively low due to the long weekend, and the upcoming elections are the no 1 topic in the markets. Meanwhile, last year's EU imports were 5% lower than in 2021.
Dried Fruit
Apr 25, 2023

Dried figs: exports still strong

AYDIN. Attention is presently centred on the elections in mid-May and there is little stimulus for dried figs in Turkey. EU imports declined by 12% in 2022.
Dried Fruit
Apr 25, 2023

Dried apricots: market is slowly coming to life

MALATYA. After hardly any trading took place during Ramadan, market players are now returning to Malatya. The market is still quiet, but business is expected to pick up in the next few days.
Dried Fruit
Apr 20, 2023

Prunes: Chile's production similar to last year

SANTIAGO. The result of the Chilean prune production should be comparable to that of last year and thus not a bad result. The proportion of larger fruits is relatively high this year.
Dried Fruit
Apr 18, 2023

Dried figs: exports are running at full speed

AYDIN/TEHRAN. Turkish market players welcome the regular rainfall, which provides the Aydin growing region with sufficient moisture. Iran, meanwhile, is recording good export figures.
Dried Fruit
Apr 18, 2023

Sultanas: frost damage remains unclear

MANISA/BEIJING. The frost damage in Turkey and Iran is still not clear, and when the TMO will continue its raw material sales is also still uncertain. Chinese sultanas seem to be an alternative for many buyers.
Dried Fruit
Apr 18, 2023

Dried apricots: Ramadan brings trade to a standstill

MALATYA. Due to the Ramadan celebrations, work is only being done on three days this week in Turkey and trade is largely at a standstill. Opinions are divided on how prices will develop after Ramadan.
Dried Fruit
Apr 11, 2023

Dried apricots: concern about diseases

MALATYA. Current weather conditions favour fungal attack on Turkish apricot trees, which can cause various tree diseases. Growers are doing everything in their power to prevent this.
Dried Fruit
Apr 11, 2023

Dried figs: sufficient rainfall

AYDIN. Rainfall benefits the fig trees in Aydin. Meanwhile, a lack of stimulus makes for a mostly quiet market.
Dried Fruit
Apr 11, 2023

Sultanas: frost damage still uncertain

MANISA. Damage evaluation in the Turkish sultana growing regions is still ongoing. Rain and cool temperatures are delaying the process. Meanwhile, market players expect the TMO to push its commodity sales further after Ramadan.