Pistachios: slump in demand prompts shift in price
April 6, 2020 at 2:31 PM ,
Decline in prices
Iran exported 12,757 metric tonnes of pistachios between 21st January and 19th February, a decrease of 7.3% compared to last month when exports ranged at 13,760 metric tonnes. This decline is prompted by the fluid transition from the end of the new year holidays in mainy countries to the outbreak of the coronavirus, which curbed buying. The main export destinations are the Far East (mainly China) with 3,274 metric tonnes, the re-exporters Turkey and the United Arab Emirates with 2,337 metric tonnes. Shipments to the Middle East and to Europe also range high with 1,93 metric tonnes and 1,922 metric tonnes respectively.
By contrast, the year-on-year comparison illustrates that exports have surged by nearly 400% as only 2,581 metric tonnes were shipped overseas between 21st January and 19th February 2019 due to limited supplies. Total exports from the beginning of the harvest season in September though to the end of February range at 70,599 metric tonnes. From the beginning of the harvest season in September until the end of 2020, Iranian exporters delivered about 70,599 mt of pistachios abroad. The decline in export and upcountry demand has prompted a sharp decline in price. Prices have decreased by 3-5% over the last two weeks with pistachios trading EUR 0.20-0.34 per kg lower.
Pistachios, Iran |
Type |
EUR/kg |
Ahmad Aghaei, 22-24 |
6.96 |
Ahmad Aghaei, 24-26 |
6.69 |
Akbari, 20-22 |
7.02 |
Akbari, 22-24 |
6.76 |
Kale Ghuchi, 22-24 |
6.83 |
Kale Ghucci, 24-26 |
6.63 |
Fandoghi, 30-32 |
5.90 |
Fandoghi, 32-34 |
5.70 |
FOB Iran |
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