
Pecans: small crop with good quality

August 22, 2023 at 4:21 PM , Der AUDITOR
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ATLANTA. US pecan stocks are the lowest they have been in almost a decade, and a small crop is expected this year. The quality of the nuts, however, is said to be particularly high.

Low stocks

According to the experts at Pecan Report, US pecan stocks have been at their lowest level in years all season. 46,720 mt of in-shell pecans were recorded in October, which equates to 23,133 mt of shelled pecans. However, Pecan Report also points out that the figures reported by traders are sometimes very inaccurate, which is why no guarantee is given for the accuracy of the data. However, the USDA data shows a similar trend and is at its lowest level in almost a decade.

Lower crop in the USA

Experts also indicate that global demand for pecans remains strong and has even increased compared to last year. The crop in Georgia, one of the most important growing states, is likely to be relatively small, as the trees are in an "off-year" after last year's good season. In the southeast of the USA, the largest growing region in the world in terms of acreage, yields are generally expected to be lower, but the quality of the nuts will be good. As supply is expected to be tighter in the new season, buyers are hoping to secure pecans from the new crop early, according to Pecan Report.

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