Cashews: Tanzania offers cashew kernels via online platform

October 14, 2019 at 9:59 AM , Der AUDITOR
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DODOMA. The Ministry of Agriculture of Tanzania is reckoning with a very good production this year and has invested in a new way of marketing RCN. In this way the government aims to maintaing high farmgate prices. Farmes will, in addition, be able to offer RCN to national and international customers.

RCN prodcution to range at 300,000 metric tonnes

The new season 2019/2020 season was officially launched on 30 Setpember. According to the Minister of Agriculture,Japhet Hasunga, RCN production is to range at 300,000 metric tonnes, which is an increase of 76,000 metric tonnes over last year.

An auction-based online trading platform has been launched in a bid to give a lift to farmgate prices. This platform is provided by the TanzaniaMercantile Exchange (TMX). Interested buyers are requested to register in advance with the Cashewnut Board of Tanzania via the Agriculture Trade Management Information System (ATMIS). This enables cashew farmers to offer RCN in the national and international market. Interested parties can purchase between 50 and 500 metric tonnes per auction.


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