
Almonds: size is an issue

November 21, 2023 at 11:55 AM , Der AUDITOR
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MADRID/BRUSSELS. Prospects are excellent in Italy as this year’s almond crop is projected to have nearly doubled. Yet, producers are not entirely happy. Prices are drifting apart in Spain and EU imports are slow to pick up this season.

Size matters in Italy

Official projections state that Italy’s almond production will surge by 91% to 42,000 mt in 2023/2024 as compared with last year. Trouble, however, is that there are problems with the size and quality of late varieties such as Penta or Makako almonds as local media report. Assessments are underway to establish replacements with new varieties providing better sizes. Good news is that no problems have been reported with the early Tuono variety, which has fetched good wholesale prices.

Price gaps in Spain


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