
Almonds: California sets the tone

April 26, 2017 at 11:40 AM , Der AUDITOR
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SACRAMENTO. Although frost and water deficits in origins such as Spain and Chile are posing a serious problem for the 2017 almond production, only few can afford rising prices.

Competitors are left out in the cold
According to the FAO, Chile occupied 14th place among the world's biggest almond producers in 2014, the country exports about 80% of its annual almond crop to foreign countries. Despite crop losses of 15-25%, farmers are hardly able to impose higher prices, the good yield prospects in California are weighing too heavily on the international market. Even Spanish suppliers, who compete with Australia for second place among the biggest almond producers after the USA, are continually adjusting their prices downwards for most types.

Prices continue to drop
The weather in Californian almond growing regions is ideal, the fields are supplied with enough water and the snow reserves in the Sierra Nevada should also be able to provide sufficient melt water in the upcoming months. The prospects for the 2017 almond crop are accordingly good (up to 1 million mt), causing the prices to continue dropping despite the good export figures. 

US almond prices



California, SSR, 27/30, natural


Blanched, sliced


Blanched, diced


Blanched, slivered


Almond meal, blanched


EXW Spain

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