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Become a Member on Mundus Agri
Unlock the full potential of Mundus Agri with our membership options. By becoming a Member, you gain Access to a range of Exclusive Features that help you grow your Business and stay ahead in the food and feed commodity market.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to gain a competitive edge, becoming a member of Mundus Agri opens doors to enhanced market visibility, targeted business connections, and in-depth insights.

For more information on our Membership plans, pricing, and advantages, please visit our Membership Page.
On the Home Page, click on „Become a Member“ in the Navigation Menu
The Membership page provides all the details you need about our various membership levels, including pricing, advantages, and other benefits. Explore the different options available and choose the membership that best suits your needs
Explore the full range of membership options on our services section. Here, you’ll find detailed information about the different membership levels, including pricing, exclusive benefits, and how each option can help you access more features, enhance your business, and stay ahead in the market
Membership Pricing:
  • Gold Membership: Unlock advanced tools, detailed reports, and premium features such as exclusive pricing charts, full analytics, and access to additional business groups. Price: €490.00/month.
  • Silver Membership: Access all the essential features, including basic analytics, business group management, and market news. Price: €190.00/month.
  • Bronze Membership: Ideal for entry-level users who want to stay updated with market news and get started on the platform. Price: €69.00/month.
Illustration: Customer service employee

Are you interested in the advantages Mundus Agri offers? Our adviser will be happy to talk with you and answer all your questions.

+49 6257 94295-31 (German landline)
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Illustration: Online tutorials
Online tutorials

Our trained staff will show you the platform step-by-step and explain the functions and content.

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