Walnuts: harvest will start soon
August 24, 2017 at 11:33 AM ,
Starry Night Ltd.
Walnuts: difficult to predict output right now
SOFIA. In the Northwest regions of Bulgaria, farmers plan to start collecting a variety of the walnut - Izvor 10 at the very end of August. Depending on the regions and the temperatures, harvest for some varieties could start earlier or later, but farmers will not risk the weather factor while temperatures are above average and will most probably start collecting walnuts earlier.
Afterwards, all other types of walnuts such as Sheinovo, Chandlar, Drqnovski, Bilecik, etc. will have gone through their final stages of development and by the end of September their harvest will have already started in all regions throughout the country while at others, harvests will have already been completed.
Weather is the defining factor
Farmers refuse to cite prices before they have collected and dried out the crop. The pre-harvest periods, as much as the periods during trees’ blossoming, are crucial for the final development of the crops. The weather right now is the main challenge; indeed, for those varieties that go through their final stages of development in September. Till the end of August, weather will be characterized by high temperatures, with occasional rains that will be of no agricultural significance.
At the time being, owners of huge acreages of orchards in the Northeast regions are expecting quite a strong harvest. Some farmers in the central South of the country will collect a weak harvest because of adverse weather conditions earlier in the season. Any frost damages from earlier in the year were confined to the higher regions, and their impact is local.