Oilseeds - Oilseeds

Sunflower seeds: yields slump in Ukraine

August 29, 2024 at 10:27 AM , Der AUDITOR
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KYIV/DALIAN. Harvesting is underway in Ukraine. Yet, the heat and drought witnessed in recent weeks have left their traces on the plants. First reports are devastating and the situation is not much better in other producing countries.

Yields nearly 50% down

Harvesting is underway in seven provinces (oblasts) in Ukraine. So far 51,7000 mt have been harvested on 46,700 ha meaning that the harvest is not even 1% complete. Average yields stand at 1.09 mt/ha. Although this is better than last week, the value is a far cry from the 1.93 mt/ha recorded at the start of the 2023 campaign. The USDA estimates this year's production in Ukraine at 13.5 million mt, 13% lower than last year's 15.5 million mt. Local processors are, nevertheless, calling for lower prices as business cannot pay off at the current l

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