Sultanas: Hitting the panic button

June 1, 2017 at 11:41 AM , Der AUDITOR
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MANISA. The weather is just the thing to justify higher prices, especially if the crop estimates are rather promising. This is what has happened in Turkey.

Suppliers are planning ahead

Rainfall and hail were forecast in the growing regions. To not take any risks, some suppliers held back with contract offers for the new crop. Bigger traders are making a mixed calculation and are willing to offer a small portion (approx. 10%) of projected supplies. If necessary, they can compensate for this with higher prices later on.

However, this has still not been enough to increase offers for prompt deliveries. In any case, good availability and weak demand in the conventional sector are ensuring a stable level. In contrast, organic sultanas were not able to maintain the same level as last week and rose by about 75 USD/mt.

Sultanas, Turkey




Grade A, Type 8, STD  



Grade A, Type 9, STD  



Grade A, Type 10, STD  



Organic, Grade A, Type 9  



FOB Izmir

What traders recommend

Market players currently expect a production of 310,000-320,000 mt – without including possible crop damages due to drought or rain during the ripening or drying period.

It is worthwhile to keep an eye on the weather situation in the next few weeks. However, traders generally recommend that buyers only cover themselves until the end of October/beginning of November. The biggest rush should then be over for the time being and the prices should stabilise. In this season, the prices for Turkish sultanas fluctuated by about 11 cents (1.17-1.28 EUR/kg FOB Izmir), with a downward trend in the last few weeks due to the weaker Turkish Lira and the stronger Euro.  

Sultanas export in mt



avg USD

avg EUR









Since the beginning of the season

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Sultana type 10 price chart
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sultana type 9 price chart

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