Sultanas: hailstorms cause damage

June 2, 2020 at 2:58 PM , Der AUDITOR
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MANISA. The Turkish sultana crop has been shaken by the extreme weather fluctuations of the past weeks. At the beginning of this week, hailstorms also hit parts of Manisa.

Weather remains most important topic

Hailstorms, coupled with cool temperatures and rainy weather, are giving sultana growers a hard time and could reduce the yield for production in 2020. In addition, these circumstances increase the risk of diseases, which is why market players are refraining from estimating production. So far there has been talk of a possibly smaller crop than last year.

Export prices for spot purchases and the Turkish Lira remained at the same level as last week due to the holidays and the curfew in Turkey. Regardless of this, the first offers for the new crop are already circulating in the market. Sultanas, RTU, Type 9 are traded at prices of USD 1,740 per metric tonne CIF Hamburg for deliveries until the end of 2020.


Type, Origin


Grade A, Type 9, STD, Turkey


Grade A, Type 10, STD, Turkey


Grade A, Type 9, STD, China


Grade A, Type 9, STD, Iran


CIF Hamburg

Exports continue to decline

Last week Turkey exported significantly less sultanas than in the same week last year due to national holidays and the last two-day curfew. No sales were registered at the commodity exchange in Izmir this  Monday. Market players reported that the high commodity prices demanded by producers and traders are not attractive to exporters as they do not have much demand or remaining orders at the moment. No significant increase in demand is expected before the end of this season, so both commodity and export prices could remain at current levels.

At 2,133 metric tonnes, not even half as many sultanas and raisins were were shipped overseas last week as last year. In total, the export volume since the start of the season is 195,821 metric tonnes - in the same period last year it was 208,396 metric tonnes.

Seedless dried raisin exports, Turkey



avg USD

avg EUR









since the start of the season

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price chart, sultanas, type 9, Turkey
price chart, sultanas, type 10, Turkey
price chart, organic sultanas, type 9, standard, Turkey
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price chart sultanas, grade A, type 9, standard
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price chart, sultanas, grade A, type 10, standard

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