A start to Organic Farming.

May 6, 2017 at 8:02 AM , Mark Overseas
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West Bengal to start organic farming.

 The increasing demand for vegetable among the urban society for the betterment of living has convinced the government to help the farmers, which will support the farmers as in organic farming the yield is less compared to conventional farming and thus help farmers in growing organic products.

The food processing industries and horticulture department has asked the rural agricultural farms to begin organic farming and assured them of technical assistance as well as help in promotion and marketing. The department will supply greenhouses and pack houses along with organic fertilizers. It will also provide cars to ferry those farm products to the markets. 

The agriculture department, on the other hand, has set a target to prepare 32 organic villages across Bengal. It has set up 120 clusters, of 50 acres each, where organic farming is taking place. Around 194 farmhouses under the department are also farming organic vegetables separately. This apart, the department under Swanirbhar Krishi Prakalpa is collaborating with private agencies on organic farming, which will also be beneficial and take some pressure from the government. 

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