Oilseeds - Oilseeds

Sesame seeds: unfavourable weather conditions in India and China

September 12, 2024 at 12:50 PM , Der AUDITOR
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NEW DELHI/BEIJING. In addition to smaller acreages, heavy rainfall in some Indian cultivation regions has impaired production results. Massive yield losses are also expected in China.

Crop estimates at the beginning of October

Indian sesame seed farmers have sown smaller areas for the upcoming Kharif crop than in previous years. In the past ten years, the average acreage was 1.296 million ha; this year it is just 1.095 million ha. This means that the area planted for the winter crop is 7.8% smaller than last year. In the main growing region of Uttar Pradesh, there was a slight increase in cultivation of 1.1% to 354,000 ha, and farmers in smaller regions such as Maharashtra also cultivated more sesame seeds. In other growing regions such as Madhya

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