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Sesame seeds: successful tender for Indian suppliers

August 3, 2023 at 3:17 PM , Der AUDITOR
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NEW DELHI/NIAMEY. The current sesame seed tender achieved record prices, according to market players. Indian and Pakistani suppliers could win the bulk. In African origins, some traders are parting with their stocks, putting pressure on prices.

Preliminary results available

The preliminary results of the current tender caused a positive surprise in the sesame seed market. Indian traders, who had only hoped for a limited amount due to the high prices, were able to win the second largest lot after suppliers from Pakistan. The reason is the record high prices at which the tender went through this time, even if not in full.

The plan was for South Korea to procure a total of 8,100 mt of sesame seeds through the tender, but instead only 6,810 mt were procured. Indian exporters were able to participate wi

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