Sesame Seeds (Market Information)

July 27, 2017 at 10:09 AM , Rainbow Exports
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Sesame Seeds: Heavy rains may affect sowing, Next two to three weeks Weather decide the resowing.

Sesame Seeds Market Report:

Nigeria Market Information:

Exchange rate is stable. Market is up due to less stock in the market and there is slow demand from Turkey market. Today, prices offered in the local market higher than previously offered. Market is up little. Market will go further up for another $20 to US$ 30 per mt. in this week. This sudden up is due to demand from Turkey and other countries which leads market up.

TOGO/MALI/Burkina Market Information: 

The price in the local market is up since yesterday. Today offered prices are up by $20 per mt. Exchange rate is stable. All exports  There is not much stock at the local market. There is not much demand from china but there is little demand from Turkey and other countries, which move prices upward.

Ethiopia Market Information: 

There is demand from Turkey and other countries and also small demand from china buyers makes prices little at higher level. Local market has gone up and but due to people thinking that there is no crop coming for next three to four months. As local people have expectation that price will go higher and they are not selling their stocks and holding it due to this there is less supply in the market and which makes prices to move up.

Sudan Market information:

Exchange is stable. Local market prices are up little as there is demand from other market market and small demand from china.

Somalia Market information:

Local market is up little. There is heavy rain in India and due to that Indian prices moved up  which makes prices attractive for Indian to import from Somalia. There is also some demand from gulf countries. Makes market moves up.

Bangladesh Market information:

Local market is stable and little higher. There is not much movement in the market. Crop is mainly used for oil crushing. Over all oil market is stable so market is stable. China may demand for oil crushing may leads prices to moves up in coming days.


There was demand from china but due to higher prices no business or trader took place at higher prices. Market is up by $20 per mt. Even though there is damages in the current crop market get stable and higher side due to little demand from china. Shipment made in June end and July start is started arriving to china market.

Indian Sesame Seeds:

Exchange rate is stable vs. Dollar.  Local market is up. Market is up due to mainly major mandis in Growing area is closed due to Heavy Rain since last 6 days. At present there is demand from Europe as well as other countries. Market has to moved up about US$40 to US$50 per mt. because of the sowing done in the month of July has been fully damaged due to heavy rain in growing area of Gujarat and Rajasthan state where sesame is been grown. There is possibility of re-sowing of sesame seeds in coming days if the weather is clear then only possibilities of re-sowing. If next three weeks there will not be clear weather than re-sowing will be done but not to that extent which will leads the prices up and delay arrival of the crop and not good quality crop as every year.

Report on China:

Beginning of the week there is huge arrival of cargo from Tanzania and Mozambique. Market is stable in the local market there is not much more demand but buyers are waiting for some times and want to see the movement in the market.  Local market sentiment is stable and due to that local prices are not going up.

Following reasons makes markets stable and little up.  

  1. Heavy Indian Rains makes to rethink about next two three months demand
  2. International prices of different origins are not competitive to make profit by importing so chines buyers are not importing. But if this situation will continue than there will be demand from local market and makes prices up.
  3. There is strong feeling that market will move up in coming days. As there is no new crop will arrive to china market before 1st week of December. There are four months to go and there is not enough stock at Origin countries.
  4. Domestic Sesame Prices are stable and little up due to favorable weather for China.

Personal Views:

According to personal views Prices will be stable and little up for in next coming days. If there will be uncertain factors in the growing countries of sesame seeds then market will stable. But at present by seeing the situation at India heavy rain market will go higher side.  

Tanzania and Mozambique prices will be stable and little up.

International prices has moved up due to Indian prices has moved up side since last few days due to heavy rain.

Heavy Rains in Gujarat & Rajasthan State of India:

Agri commodities stored in yards damaged in Gujarat floods. Traders and farmers are reeling after agriculture commodities, including castor, mustard, spices and cereals stored in warehouses and on the premises of Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMC) in North Gujarat were damaged in floodwaters. Stockists hit: “Most of the produce belonged to stockists because farmers had already sold the commodity to the traders. The damage is more at the market yards of Dhanera, which received the maximum rains. We are yet to quantify the damage but it would be in million of dollars.

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Sesame Weekly Prices 27.07.2017

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