Oilseeds - Oilseeds

Sesame seeds: damage due to heavy rains

September 5, 2024 at 10:08 AM , Der AUDITOR
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NEW DELHI/BRUSSELS. Rainfall has broken all records in the state of Gujarat in India, extensive damages are being reported for sesame seeds.

Extensive crop damages in Gujarat

As farmers have reduced Kharif sowing the market situation has already been rather complex in recent week. Now downpours have added to this scenario. Intitial weather forecasts anticipated rainfalls with good intensity in West India, but the rain crossed all records last week. The situation was critical in Gujarat with 40-45 cm of rain being reported in every district. Traders state that the unwanted spell of rain has caused disruptions. The standing crop cannot withstand such a strong flow of water and 70-80% are said to be damaged

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