Raspberry shipment from Serbia stopped in Hungary- Norovirus suspected

December 10, 2017 at 9:16 PM , Vuk Barasic
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Breaking news- Another heavy blow for Serbian raspberry industry

 Vague information appeared on 09.12.2017. that the raspberry shipment from Serbia intended for the markets of Hungary and Germany was stopped by RASAFF (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) at Hungary's border, due to the Norovirus suspect.


So far, no one from Serbian Ministry of Agriculture could give any further information on this occasion. What is certain is that this year is "one of those", starting as not promising for many producers, but could easily be ending as devastating for processors.


Norovirus is recognised as a consequence of lack of hygiene during picking and processing, and appears extremely rarely, but when it does, then everyone is suspected and therefore everyone suffers.


However, some facts about this news remain unclear: apart from the name of the Serbian (re)exporter and the quantity of the infected raspberry, it is unknown how the detection was carried out so quickly and the load was stopped on the very border, since it is well known that norovirus detection procedure takes at least 2 days and the probability of sampling the infected part of load has very low probability.


Perhaps some facts will appear in the days that follow, but till then, Serbian raspberry industry takes another heavy blow.


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