Rapeseed: Sluggish market activity right now

May 30, 2018 at 11:15 AM , Starry Night Ltd.
A month ago, this field was blossoming yellow all over!
A month ago, this field was blossoming yellow all over!
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SOFIA. Approximately in the end of June, farmers plan to enter fields for harvest 2018-19. The month before harvest could bring surprises!

BULGARIA. In regions throughout the country, farmers will start harvesting rapeseed approximately at the end of June, provided the weather conditions are favourable and unexpected rainfalls do not hit fields. Currently, wherever intermittent showers have fallen repeatedly, fields’ moisture reserves have been replenished – some quite substantially. In other places, rains have been scarcer, and farmers’ worries over expected lower yields have not eased yet. However, before the start of harvest 2018-19, farmers will be yet busy with fieldwork such as spraying against insects, etc.

Rapeseed: Before the upcoming harvest, sluggish market activities

The export season for the crop has long been called off. The strongest foreign demand for locally grown rapeseed takes place in the few months after harvest while afterwards, the export trend nosedives. The country is a relatively small producer of rapeseed, and it seems destined to remain so in the short-term; although estimates for planted acreages for the upcoming harvest reached 185,213 ha or by 11.4% higher than those of last year by this time. Domestically, the processing of the oil seed is limited, as yearly, its local demand represents a share of around 12% to 15% of national output.

        Harvest 2017-18

(01.07.2017 – 25.05.2018)

            units in MT

Beginning availability


Aggregate output




Domestic consumption


   oil & biodiesel production


Exports to the world


   to EU markets


   to rest of the world


Source: Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture

Surprises have already crept in

Although this year, the meteorological conditions of the Winter and the Spring seasons have been quite unusual – substantial lack of thick snow throughout the winter (a mild season) and prolonged lack of rain within places in regions, farmers are not yet ensured against unexpected, as well as, expected natural hits. In fields throughout the Southwest of the country, a noticeable period of early blooming, followed by a sudden fall off of the yellow flowered parts of rapeseed, has been observed. Frosts have not been seen to hit the crops in those fields to affect their colours so suddenly and so completely. Yet, there are fields, which had been blossoming for a few weeks, while currently have totally lost their yellowish parts.

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