Pumpkin seeds: health authorities need to approve factories

February 10, 2020 at 11:36 AM , Der AUDITOR
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PEKING. Many companies in China are now resuming operations outside the restricted areas. Face masks are obligatory for employees. White-collar workers are working from home. Local health authorities have to carry out inspections before factories are permitted to resume production.

Further delays expected

The local health authorities inspect the factories and issue an approval before production can continue. How long such a process takes is difficult to determine. The pumpkin seed exporters, therefore, still refuse to provide offers. They dom, however, hope that the situation will chnage again towards the end of the week.

As market players report, there are several containers loaded with pumpkin seeds at the port of Dalian. Although these vessels were loaded before the Chinese New Year, they have not yet been shipped due to the extended holidays and the lack of manpower. Further delays cannot be ruled out for the time being. Since truck drivers and dock workers, who regularly commute between different provinces, need to be quarantined for 14 days on arrival to rule out infection it is rather difficult to complete whole shiploads.

In addition, it is highly uncertain in how far shipped goods would be accepted at the destination ports. Goods that are now bought in China for prompt shipment would be in Europe by the end of April at the very earliest. The limited activities at the ports in China have also prompted many cargo ships to be diverted to South Korea. The containers destined for China are been temporarily stored in Busan until the situation improves. Problem, however, is that the port is slowly reaching the limits of its capacity.

Central bank grants loans of USD 42 billion

Life is very restricted for non-infected people in the affected parts of the country. People are only allowed to leave their homes once a day to buy food. Temperature controls are mandatory. Last Sunday, the central bank announced that it would support companies that help to prevent and contain the disease with loans over USD 42 billion. These loans are granted by national banks and smaller financial institutions in ten provinces and cities.

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price chart, pumpkin kernels, GWS, Grade A
price chart, organic pumpkin kernels, GWS, Grade A 
price chart, pumpkin kernels, Shine Skin, Grade A
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