Oilseeds - Oilseeds

Pumpkin seed kernels: Prices rise by 10%

April 13, 2017 at 9:53 AM , Der AUDITOR
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DALIAN. Reports about 40-50% less cultivated area for pumpkin seeds are causing quite a stir on the Chinese market, and more than that: they are cranking up the sales.

Not everyone can afford it

Depending on the supplier, offers vary greatly, with up to 10% increases as compared to last week. De facto, the overall trend is on the rise. Due to sales, the acreage is expected to drop by 40-50% as compared to last year.

This also affects the demand. While some suppliers report a moderate rise in demand, others meanwhile claim to be fully booked until the end of May. As a result, these traders allow themselves to raise the prices accordingly. 

Pumpkin seeds, China



GWS, Grade A


GWS, Grade AA


Shine Skin, Grade A


Shine Skin, Grade AA


CIF Hamburg

Low phase has passed

In the next few months, the demand trend and the weather will have a decisive effect on the prices. If the predictions regarding acreage prove to be true, it remains to be hoped that at least a good yield can be achieved and the prices will not skyrocket to astronomical levels again. However, prices are still not expected to drop any time soon.

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pumpkin seeds shine skin price chart

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