
Peanuts: rainfall is crucial

September 4, 2023 at 11:15 AM , Der AUDITOR
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NEW DELHI/ATLANTA. In India, rains over the next two weeks will prove crucial for the yield and quality of this year's crop. US exporters, meanwhile, report rising demand from Europe.

Rain determines yields and quality

Indian farmers report that the crucial phase for the new crop has begun and that rainfall will be particularly important in the next two weeks. Currently, market players still expect the crop to be good, but if rains do not fall in the hoped-for quantity, yields could drop by up to 25%. Too much moisture could also have a negative impact on quality, which would lead to a shortage of high-quality goods. Overall, Indian peanut acreage is expected to decline by 3.8% this year, with the major growing states being Madhya Pradesh and Utt


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