
Peanuts: monsoon affects trade

July 10, 2023 at 10:27 AM , Der AUDITOR
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NEW DELHI/BUENOS AIRES. After heavy monsoon rains, trade was restricted in some parts of India last week, and there are also reports of crop damage. In Argentina, the situation is anything but rosy this year, while there is still hope for US traders.

Monsoon brings damage and blessings

After last week's growth, prices in India are currently holding their level. Under the surface, however, things are bubbling and market experts forecast further increases soon. Heavy rains last week led to trade restrictions in the regions around Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat, where there have already been price increases for the Java and TJ varieties. Crop damage has also been recorded, with unofficial estimates of 20-25%. In addition, the quality of the goods currently reaching the markets is not convincing due to their high moistur


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