
Peanuts: Indian government to buy almost 100,000 mt

August 26, 2024 at 3:55 PM , Der AUDITOR
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NEW DELHI/BRASÍLIA. The government in Gujarat has promised farmers to buy significantly more peanuts for the coming season than last year. In Brazil, offers for the new crop are still a long time coming.

Market players are optimistic

The winter sowing in India appears to be exceeding market players' expectations and the harvest is due to start in October. At the same time, there is news from Uttar Pradesh, according to which there has been considerable crop damage in some areas due to heavy rainfall; the extent to which this will affect overall production remains to be seen. Some peanut stocks from 2023 are still available and prices have risen by around 3% so far in August. Suppliers were pleased with the Gujarat state government's announcement to buy a minimum qua


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