
Peanuts: US growers hope for rainfall

September 2, 2024 at 4:31 PM , Der AUDITOR
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NEW DELHI/ATLANTA. Next week, the probability of rain is increasing in the US growing regions – the precipitation is urgently needed and farmers are pinning all their hopes on the change in weather. In India, however, the weather has been extremely favourable so far.

Harvest in China to start soon

In China, the harvest is about to start in the West Shandong region and market players expect the first unshelled peanuts of the ‘Seaflower’ variety to be ready for export by the end of September or early October at the latest, provided that the weather does not put a spanner in the works. In the eastern part of Shandong, the harvest is expected to start around the Lunar New Year in mid-September, followed by the north-east of China at the end of September or beginning of October.

In terms of the weather, Indian gro


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