
Peanuts: Argentine exporters fully occupied

September 9, 2024 at 12:26 PM , Der AUDITOR
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NEW DELHI/BUENOS AIRES. Argentinian peanut suppliers have their hands full at the moment. Brazilian importers are also sourcing as much produce as possible from the neighbouring country. In India, rains have brought relief.

Cautious optimism in India

The heavy rains of recent weeks have proved to be a blessing for Indian peanut farmers, who report that the plants in the fields are currently thriving. Market players therefore have high hopes for the upcoming production, as if there is sufficient sunshine over the next two weeks, demand for 2025 is likely to be secured. However, further heavy rainfall could lead to severe crop damage, meaning that no reliable statements can yet be made regarding the new crop. There is also no certain news yet regarding the amount of peanuts that the gove


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