Nominal rise in EU food, drinks and tobacco retail sector

May 7, 2019 at 8:37 AM , Der AUDITOR
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BRUSSELS. The retails sales index for March has risen by 1.9% in the euro area and by 0.3% in the EU28. While the volume of retail trade has remained stable in the euro area, volumes have increased in the food, drinks and tobacco sector.

Nominal increases in volume of retail trade

According to March estimates released by Eurostat this week, the total volume of retail trade has remained unchanged on February’s level in the euro area, whereas a nominal increase of 0.3% has been observed for the EU28. For the retail sector of food, drinks and tobacco an increase of 0.6% has been recorded in March as compared with February.

In the annual comparison between March 2018 and March 2019, the rise is even higher in the euro area, but lower in the EU28 for the food, drinks and tobacco sector. A 0.7% rise has been recorded for food drinks and tobacco in the euro area, whereas the retail volume for food drinks and tobacco increased by 0.4% in the EU28.

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