
Macadamias: AMS revises crop forecast amid weather challenges

July 9, 2024 at 9:31 AM , Der AUDITOR
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BRISBANE. Adverse weather conditions have prompted the Australian Macadamia Society (AMS) to revise the 2024 crop estimate.

9% reduction

In-shell production estimates now stand at 50,830 mt for 3.5% moisture and at 54,500 mt for 10% moisture. This is 9% down from the initial estimate of 56,000 mt for 3.5% moisture and of 60,000 mt for 10% moisture. Yet, the revised forecast still anticipates a 5% larger crop than the last year, with improvements in kernel recovery and nut size compared to 2023, and overall quality looking good.

Australian Macadamia Society CEO Clare Hamilton-Bate states that for many growers the 2024 harvest season has again been challenging with prolonged heat and then extended wet weather, leading to yield losses across key growing regions.

“In Bundaberg, our largest macadamia growing region, harvest is nearing completion, but early indications suggest a slightly lower intake than initially forecast, the crop [was] impacted by prolonged heat earlier in the growing season,” according to Hamilton-Bate.

“In most other growing regions, the wet conditions have significantly hindered growers, and many have only recently been able to get on farm to start their first harvest rounds. Some orchards still have areas that are inaccessible,” she adds.

The AMS will review the crop forecast again in September, with the final 2024 Australian macadamia crop figure to be announced in early December.



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