
Hazelnuts: selling turns complex

September 3, 2024 at 9:57 AM , Der AUDITOR
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ORDU. With quality issues prevailing in lower altitudes selling hazelnuts has become more complex in Turkey this year. Expectation is that Ferrero will buy at the start of the season and speculations prevail as to how willingly farmers will sell to the TMO.

Exporters urge for patience

While Olam is convinced that supplies will exceed demand this season, exporters in Turkey rather caution against jumping to premature conclusions. Despite quality being a problem in lower altitudes, Olam expects Turkey’s crop to exceed 750,000 mt this season. Yet, as local suppliers highlight the quality issues are quite profound this year.

In fact, as soon as the harvest started it became obvious that bug damages were more serious than anticipated in lower altitudes and a lot different . Apparently, stink bugs have not only

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