
Hazelnuts: Premium goods are running short

March 27, 2017 at 2:53 PM , Der AUDITOR
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ORDU. The Turkish hazelnut trees have withstood the night frosts in the past two weeks without serious damage, however, temperatures are supposed to drop considerably again this week.

Frosty weather up ahead
The temperatures reached critical low values particularly in the regions around Giresun and Ordu, Turkey's most important hazelnut growing areas. However, since hardly any early-flowering hazelnuts are grown at elevations of more than 700 m, the losses are minimal. The market is also not worried about the frost expected towards the end of this week.

Nevertheless, the price development last week still went on a roller coaster ride, going downhill again towards the weekend. The raw goods prices are still at 10 TRY/kg and market players expect the price level to remain relatively stable until mid-April. With the end of the referendum and the risk of frost, it will be easier to assess the further development of the season.

According to reports, the premium qualities from Giresun are now running short, but the standard quality supply on the market is still sufficient.

Turkish hazelnut kernels



Whole, 11-13 mm 


Diced, 2-4 mm 


Meal, 0-2 mm 


Hazelnut paste


DDP Germany

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EN Hazelnut kernels, natural, 11-13 mm

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