
Hazelnuts: The market after the referendum

April 20, 2017 at 9:50 AM , Der AUDITOR
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ORDU. Contrary to expectations, President Erdoğan did not say a word about the hazelnut market during his speech in Ordu last week, causing the prices to collapse. The Turkish minister of agriculture then came to the rescue.

On Saturday, before the referendum, Faruk Çelik announced that the TMO will already start purchasing hazelnuts this week. However, prices and quantities were not stated, and there is no confirmation from other government representatives.

Empty promises?

The election results hardly affected the exchange rate. To avoid any risks, Turkish traders have raised the prices noticeably to scare off potential buyers. However, if Çeliks announcement only served to catch votes, the prices will soon drop again. The risk of frost seems to have passed for good this season, so that no further negative effects are expected for this year's crop.


Turkish hazelnut kernels



whole, 11-13 mm 


diced, 2-4 mm 


meal, 0-2 mm 


hazelnut paste


DDP Germany


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Hazelnut kernels natural price chart

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