Oilseeds - Oilseeds

Flaxseed: Pressure is increasing on record low prices

March 9, 2017 at 11:28 AM , Der AUDITOR
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LODZ. Some market participants are despairing. The prices are already on a record low and news from Kazakhstan and Canada provides little hope of recovery.

Optimism in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan may still be confronted with frost and snow, but the plans for the new season are in full swing. Market participants expect a similar size in acreage to last year, namely 400,000-500,000 mt. This is of course providing that the weather and other conditions are normal. They also reckon that the prices in Eastern Europe can hardly dropp any further since they are already historically low.

flaxseed, brown



99.9% purity, DDP Germany


raw seeds, FCA Russia


raw seeds, FCA Kazakhstan


raw seeds, FCA Ukraine


Dwindling stocks in Canada

Although the yields are set to be smaller in Canada, it is highly possible that the crop will prove larger than last year. A production of 635,000 mt is currently estimated. Due to the small 2016 crop the carry-over stocks are expected to in 2016/17. And the decrease in exports should not have an impact. Although the carry-over stocks had reached a seven-year high in 2015/16, the Flax Council of Canada now expects a five-year low for 2017/18.

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