Oilseeds - Oilseeds

Flaxseed: mixed start to the season

September 12, 2024 at 3:43 PM , Der AUDITOR
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OTTAWA/ASTANA. With the gradual increase in tariffs on imports of Russian flaxseed into the EU, buyers are looking for alternative suppliers. Canadian traders, meanwhile, are worried about their relations with China.

Russia's crop smaller than last year

Good prospects for Kazakhstan's flaxseed crop have the market in a positive mood after last year's disastrous result. According to experts, Russia's flaxseed production is also expected to reach around 1.6 million mt this year, which is less than last year's record crop but still a satisfactory result overall. In Canada, yields may also recover, but even with a 10% increase on last year to 300,100 mt, the result would be far below the figures of previous years.

Canada has low chances in China


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