Oilseeds - Oilseeds

Flaxseed: Dubious practices in Russia

March 24, 2017 at 7:55 AM , Der AUDITOR
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LODZ. The seeding season in Russia is just around the corner. However, the behaviour of the suppliers is more than outrageous.

Behind closed doors

The seeding season is more or less in the starting blocks. Depending on the weather, it will start either already in March or in April. Normal weather conditions are forecast until now, so that a normal progression of the seeding season can be expected. However, precise estimates are not available. So far, so good. Then again, the current price strategy of Russian suppliers poses a great riddle. Although the biggest Russian buyer is not ready to purchase and the demand is rather low, the suppliers have raised their prices. Behind closed doors, it is rumoured that they are offering Russian buyers lower prices than e.g. their Polish customers.

The processors from Poland are willing to pay a maximum of 375 EUR/mt. Those who require the goods urgently are willing to accept prices of up to 380 EUR/mt. The situation on the Polish market remains inconsistent. While some processors complain about insufficient demand, other operations are running at full steam.

Minimal price increases

This week, prices tend to be stable for the most part. In Kazakhstan, however, there were slight increases in the commodity prices. While a few offers for 305-307 EUR/mt FCA were previously available, the prices have now risen to 310 EUR/mt.

Flaxseed, brown



99.9% purity, DDP Germany


Raw goods, FCA Russia


Raw goods, FCA Kazakhstan


Raw goods, FCA Ukraine



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