Dried Fruit

Dried figs: production, quality and market dynamics

September 6, 2024 at 9:13 AM , Der AUDITOR
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AYDIN. Figs go back a long way in history in Turkey, the number one producing and exporting country. Rising costs, quality issues and the delicate nature of the fruits pose difficult to navigate challenges, especially for this year’s crop.

Complex production processes

Highly esteemed as the fruit of paradise, figs stand out for their significant nutritional benefits and high health value. Presently, cultivation is concentrated on a few select countries, where the fruit is harvested for both fresh and dried consumption. Historically, the region known as Caria - now part of Aydın Province in modern-day Turkey - offered an ideal climate for fig production, which is still the case today.

The process of production involves partial drying on the tree, followed by harvesting and subsequent drying on

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