Dried Fruit

Dried figs: market players remain suspicious

July 16, 2024 at 4:53 PM , Der AUDITOR
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AYDIN. The figs in the Turkish province of Aydin are developing well, with the warm temperatures allowing the fruit to ripen quickly. However, a sudden change in the weather could have negative consequences for yields.

Hot phase

With daytime temperatures expected to be well over 40°C in Aydin by the end of this week, it is increasingly likely that many fruits will be harvested around one to two weeks earlier than usual this year. This includes figs. The crop has developed well so far, but market players remain cautious, as an unfavourable change in the weather could reverse the situation. Growers already have rough price expectations for their new crop, but at mid-August it is still too early to talk about market prices, as the export season for dried figs usually officially s

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