Dried Fruit

Dried figs: growers continue to raise prices

September 10, 2024 at 4:25 PM , Der AUDITOR
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AYDIN. In Turkey, the 2023/2024 export season for dried figs is slowly coming to an end. Exporters are buying goods to prepare for the new season, which farmers see as an opportunity to further increase their prices.

Exporters prepare themselves

Around two weeks before the official start of the dried fig export season in Turkey, growers have already completed the harvest. Exporters will be allowed to ship their dried figs and dried fig products overseas from 25 September. Until then, exports will continue to be made with the remaining stocks from last year's crop, and in correspondingly small quantities. Last week, exports totalled 559 mt, compared to 688 mt in the same week last year. A total of 62,660 mt of dried figs and dried fig products have been exported from Turkey since

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