Dried apricots: weak start to exports

August 30, 2022 at 3:52 PM , Der AUDITOR
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MALATYA. New crop exports are off to a weaker start than exporters had hoped - the president of the Malatya Commodity Exchange provides an explanation. Commodity prices for small varieties continue to decline slightly.

Prices are volatile

The apricot market is still characterised by the availability of many small apricots this season, while large fruits are scarce. This is first reflected in farmgate prices, which are slightly down for small varieties and range between TRY 90 and 100/kg for numbers 3 and 4, while offers for numbers 1 and 2 are significantly higher. Commodity prices for organic apricots are also holding their high prices of TRY 130/kg. More goods from the new crop are now reaching the markets from week to week, which is putting some pressure on

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