Dried apricots: big differences in quality

July 18, 2023 at 10:52 AM , Der AUDITOR
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MALATYA. Heavy rain and hail damage have resulted in many of this year's apricots being of inferior quality. Prices are therefore likely to differ significantly. Harvesting is already in full swing in the valley plains.

Good drying conditions

The apricot harvest in Turkey's lower altitude growing areas is now in full swing and no rain is forecast for the time being, which gives farmers hope for a successful drying phase. Temperatures are around 35°C and plenty of sunshine is expected. However, there is always a residual risk; in previous years, weather escapades have often led to damage. The prices currently circulating on the market for the new crop are around TRY 140-150/kg, but there could still be some movement here. Quality varies greatly this year due to numerous rain and

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