Dried Fruit

Desiccated coconuts: attractive prices boost demand

March 22, 2023 at 4:47 PM , Der AUDITOR
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MANILA. As T.M. Duché reports the market for desiccated coconuts and coconut oil will be confronted with several challenges this year. Low prices, high production costs and volatile edible oil prices impacted trading in the first quarter.

Supplies running low

Prices reached a low point at the end of January and have only regained some ground since. This has boosted demand and buyers continue to stock up. Trouble, however, is that energy and production costs have risen sharply. Last year's carry-in supplies are also running low and should be exhausted by June, which will certainly drive up prices.

The war in Urkaine coupled with the sanctions on Russia that have prompted the market for edible oils to turn highly volatile will continue to dominate trading. Inflation and fiscal policies will also impact the market and consumer spending. The prices for desiccated coconut from Sri Lanka range at USD 2.13/kg (EUR 1.96/kg) FCA Spain, whereas prices are lower for supplies from Indonesia.

Desiccated coconut




Sri Lanka






FCA Spain


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price chart, desiccated coconuts, Sri Lanka
price chart, desiccated coconuts, Indonesia
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