Corn: weather favors the lucky

July 28, 2017 at 9:49 AM , Starry Night Ltd.
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Weather conditions could not have been more favorable for the crop!

 Weather favors the lucky

SOFIA. So far in the Summer, the weather has provided the ultimate circumstances for the crop to receive the utmost agro-meteorological conditions for the necessary development. During this week, almost all regions of the country have received high precipitation -- hailstorms hit some regions -- while for the next one, the forecast is dry weather. If this trend continues right before harvest begins, farmers could harvest by about 20% more than they did during 2016.

Market developments

Competitive prices in the Black sea basin matter, and exports kick in as long as prices are accepted by foreign buyers. Corn has been slow to enter foreign markets so far in the season. A case in point, according to the Agricultural Ministry, from the start of season till 23th of July 2017, exported quantities of corn, via Varna seaport, stood at 206,584 mt, which is 64.8% lower than realized exports during the previous season.

Harvest 2016-17

(01.09.2016 - 21.07.2017)

Carry over

400,000 mt

Domestic output

2,226,094 mt

Domestic consumption

1,077,000 mt

Exports to the world

950,107 mt

Source: Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture

Since exports are expected to be sluggish on a monthly basis, remaining stock this season are forecasted to be higher than that of last season. By the 21st of July 2017, remaining quantities stood at 706,455 mt.

Corn, Bulgaria





EXW Bulgaria

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