Corn: Lassoing time, farmers advance in grain planting

May 11, 2018 at 1:52 PM , Starry Night Ltd.
The young crops need water.
The young crops need water.
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SOFIA. The desperate times of the belated sowing campaign are subsiding. The forceful pitch has paid off.

BULGARIA. Farming is an open factory under the sky! In some regions of the country, farmers were desperate to start sowing even though fields did not offer the necessary conditions – rains had not touched the ground for quite a time – because the optimal time for sowing was towards its end. In a few others, farmers competed their planting campaigns almost on time. In others, farmers missed the optimal time period. Collectively, they forced their way through, lassoing the eluding time, hoping to sow the fields.

Corn: The forceful pitch is paying off

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, by the 3rd of May 2018, farmers planted 351,920 ha of corn land while a year earlier at that time, they had planted 368,562 ha. The difference of planted corn areas during both time periods, which a few weeks ago was close to 90%, has been forcefully narrowed to just 4.5%. Whether it will pay off by offering high yields and high-quality crops, as it was the case during harvest 2017-18, remains to be seen.

        Harvest 2017-18

(01.09.2017 - 04.05.2018)

            units in MT

Beginning availability


Aggregate output




Domestic consumption


   food & industrial usage






Exports to the world


   to EU markets


   to rest of the world


Source: Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture

Right now, rains are crucial for the young crops to grow. For the following few days, the forecast predicts lower temperatures and showers throughout the country, which will come just in time and will be beneficial. A local farmer described those showers as golden rains for his crops. Yet, most probably, some replanting will be done later in the season.

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